8 Economical Ways to Boost Up Your Home Value - Page 4

8 Economical Ways to Boost Up Your Home Value

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, July 31, 2012   |    2 Comments

6) Deck-up your house with fresh color:

Neutral colors are the buyer’s attraction. Ensure that you paint your house in proper way because untidy painting can fetch you wrong impression from home buyers as well as can deviate your home buyers to other property instead of yours. Moreover, fresh color gives vibrant feelings to home buyers as well as it works like an alluring factor to home buyers.

7) Proper illumination:

To highlight amenities, proper lighting is an important factor to add value to your house economically. It will be an extra input if you can consider upgrading the fittings and light bulbs to places that are dark as well as the corners. As, buyers do not prefer to look at the house only during day time, they check the house during night time as well and good illumination is expected to fetch buyers attraction.

8) Clean the floor & replace broken tiles:

Before buying a house, buyers look all nitty-gritty details of the house and primary thing they notice is the number of rooms as well as floors. Rough and dirty floor can turn off buyers to buy a house, so it’s always better if you can polish the floor and replace broken tiles if any, to give your house a clean and tidy look.