6 Ways To Harmonize Your Home With Feng Shui - Page 5

6 Ways To Harmonize Your Home With Feng Shui

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, December 20, 2012   |    1 Comments

7) Introduce nature based pictures:

Covering your wall space with nature based pictures is another way to give your home a perfect look of sophistication and to create a peaceful atmosphere. Nature pictures like of birds, landscape, flowers and so on. Pictures of stormy seas, ships sailing, crowded cityscapes symbolizes fatigue. Interestingly, keeping pictures of birds in duos and flower blooming, it is considered sustaining relationship and encourages loyalty. Selecting the right art also benefits to good health. Good piece of art including beautiful sceneries, vivid pictures help reducing blood pressure and heart rate. Also, art makes your wall look radiant and attractive.

8) No mirror in bedroom:

It is better not to keep any mirror in your bedroom. If there is any mirror opposite to your bed then you need to remove it because mirror in this position attract a third party involvement in the relationship. Moreover, mirror in bedroom act as a source for insomnia. Apart from bedroom, you can keep mirror in your dining room as well as in living room.

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