5 Home Decor Mistakes to Avoid - Page 3

5 Home Decor Mistakes to Avoid

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, October 11, 2012   |    2 Comments

4) Lighting:  

Selecting the wrong light for your room is also a common home decorating mistake. It is always better to choose lighting according to the room ambience you like to create and the kind of style you want to fix for your room. Proper lighting in rooms acts as a biggest factor to make your home pleasant and beautiful. Lighting can make your home look different and attractive. Right kind of illumination bestows a soothing and calm feeling. To create a lively ambience in your bedroom and common areas, include lanterns, tea-lights, chandeliers, candles and table lamps. To highlight amenities, proper lighting also plays an important role.

5) Placement of furniture:

Placement of furniture is an essential part of home decoration. The right kind of furniture in rooms can also make all the difference. Using the wrong furniture can make your house look messy and packed. For instance, if you want to keep sofa for your living room, it is better to buy a sofa which will make your room look stylish and contemporary. Also you need to keep furniture according to your home theme. Ensure that you keep bulky furniture if any, against the longest wall. This will create a feeling of neat and clean home.

Read More: 5 Ways to Style Your Living Room