3 Vital Things to Check Before Buying a New House - Page 3

3 Vital Things to Check Before Buying a New House

By siliconindia   |   Monday, April 9, 2012   |    5 Comments

Check Legal documents:

Ensure that you look into the legal aspects before buying a property. To avoid further difficulties in future it is necessary to check all the original documents given by the vendors to make sure that the property is free from legal issues.  It may so happen that the seller may not reveal the hidden issues to the buyers and so it is necessary to look into the details before proceeding. "Check with the society and neighbors whether the seller is genuine or not," says Dalal.

One possible way to get property clearance is with the help from legal advisors, utility departments, tax departments and buyers, who can also look into the newspaper archives for any related news regarding the property. On this note, Sandeep Sadh, Chief Executive Officer of Mumbaipropertyexchange stated that, "Do not hesitate to take brokers' or lawyers' help just because it will cost a little more," reports Economic Times.