10 Most Expensive Cities to Rent an Office: 2012 - Page 3

10 Most Expensive Cities to Rent an Office: 2012

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, April 18, 2012   |    2 Comments

3) Tokyo:

Average Price to rent an office space:  $197 per square feet

Rental Growth Increased: 7 percent

The capital city of Japan, Tokyo has ranked 3rd on the list for most expensive cities to rent office space.  The city’s rent for office space has increased by 7 percent compared to last the last year and the average price is $197 per square feet, in Indian Price the rate is about rs9, 830 per square feet.

4) Moscow: 

Average Price to rent an office space:  $148 per square feet

Rental Growth Increased: 41 percent

Moscow, the capital city of Russia took the 4th place on the list.  Moscow is one of the expensive cities to buy property as well as to rent an office space. Moreover, the city’s starting rental rate for office space is about $148 per square meter (about rs7, 385 per square meter), as the city has seen a terrific jump of 41 percent in the office space rent compared to past years.