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Advice Request
Youwraj D Pawar
Youwraj D Pawar

Youwraj D Pawar

UI Developer

Ingram Micro India Ltd.


Youwraj D Pawar is a member of:

Difficulties in web development.
Timeline, some time you won't have work for whole day but in last movement will get work and time line is very less so it's very difficult finish work in 2-3 hours which is actually 8 hours work....
Describe your Web Application?
Basically I'm UI Developer and working with HTML,CSS, JavaScript, Jquery and .Net / Java...
Creation of Websites
I started Designing / Development for Better Career and Now I design good looking website for Customer Satisfaction
Ways to reduce the load time
Reduced Images sizes and remove unwanted code / commented code and put javascript code in the bottom of the page and take liberary files from CDN
Significance of Web Development.
Web is always online Identity for any organiation, and now a day we can't think success for any organization without web development department.
Work in a different way
Better Plaining for better future and before coming in any field will make proper plan and will go with that plan so in future won't face any problems and reach to goal in early time...
What additional skills do you have?
Focus on Work and client satisfaction, no time pass if there is work and if work is not there then do R & D...
Challenges in current Role
there is not challenge which I can't over come, I always over come with any challenges in my job if some time I face and which is not possible from my end I go to my manager and clear the issue so in current job there is no obstacles and all is well
Your Accomplishment
I start career with Graphic Designing / Web Designer and now I'm Developer, I got expertise for UI Developer also
Interview tips for upcoming fresher
Look at Interviewer straight and give answer without hagitation, don't be feel fear, be confident be smart and prepare properly so that you won't get rejected and if rejected don't be feel sad, you will get better opportunity then this...
Educational background
After Complete my HSC, I complete Computer Diploma and start my career as a designer and after 3 years I join PGDIT/MBA and now I have completed PGDIT. and I have completed other computer certification courses also from APTECH, Logitec, Unitech...
Always make a proper plan and do work on priority wise
Working in a Team / Individual
Journey to the corporate world
I came from small town, started career as Graphic Designer, In college time I started designing work, I was designing Wedding Card, Invitation Card etc. after complete college I came to Mumbai and started full time job, in last 7-8 year challenges come and gone I over come and reached my destination
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