
Wilson Majok Anyak

Wilson Majok Anyak
Insurance Marketing Executive
PG Diploma Insurance

About Wilson Majok Anyak

I am a normal person who like to meet with new friends and discuss professional things,and share ideas together,learn together. You are welcome old friends don't hesitate to ask me any question as my professional is concerned.

Wilson Majok Anyak ’s experience

Insurance Analyst   at   New Sudan Insurance Company Limited , Khartoum, Sudan
August 2005 – Currently Working
Industry: Insurance
Functional area: Banking / Insurance
I as a marketing executive used to meet our prospective clients
and bring their attention to where their needs is and what they

Wilson Majok Anyak ’s education

PG Diploma [Insurance],
Chartered Insurance Institute(LONDON) [April,2004] , Khartoum, Sudan
Certificate in High School [Form Leaver],
Comboni School Mapuordit [January,2000] , Khartoum, Sudan

Wilson Majok Anyak ’s additional information

I am interested in business training and management training
Awards and achievements:
I attend Comprehensive in technical general insurance program in Pune( INDIA) Year 2006
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