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Advice Request
Yaser Sahood
Yaser Sahood

Yaser Sahood

Student Bachelor of Engineering


Current Trends
coming to my field i.e Electronics and communications ,communications playing major role now a days and electronics also dashing market with low price products and if we increase the life time period of electronic devices surely electronics will be major part of market and i think this is gonna game changing in next years.
Challenges faced in job
yes now a days having job in the desire field is a achievement because as we know about competition around us so i think job plays a key role in our life because experience will gain here and in future where ever i go for job they will surely ask about experience and that will be in my hand and easily i can acquire the job ,not only in professionally but also personally also we need a job to secure our life .
Books recommended
to start the carrier they need to follow someone on social site better than reading a book because he will lean from updates as we are using widely social networking sites like twitter, Facebook,yahoo, will help them build a good future.
Being different
being engineer surely i will segregate from others because there is something i can do that others can't do .and other thing is as engineers we can understand the technical language that others cant understand.
Family Background
yes i belongs to Indian Muslim which is middle class and my father is labor who struggles more for our family and now its time for me to do something for family and my parents ,and i just thankful to them for a lifetime for giving me such a beautiful life .
My achievement
coming to achievements i have achieved good lifetime attitude that plays a major role in my life where ever i go as a student i have achieved many certificates for giving a seminars,paper presentations,poster presentations and many technical events ,i have a time to achieve many goals and awards once i entered in my carrier ,waiting for a better opportunity.
My strongest Skill
i am skilled in C programming and having knowledge of " MAT LAB " and " XILINX " software's, and i have did my mini project in Embedded systems i.e Metro train based on RF-ID technology so i have knowledge of hardware soldering,etc.. and MS-office etc.....
My advice
they need to perfect or skilled in their field and don't attracted towards other fields just be in your field and be the best and do the best and you will get the best.
My important career decision
the most important decession i have taken after completion of my 12th i.e Intermediate that i can do my engineering and i have chosen this. and i this is most important decisions taken by me in my life
Managing professional as well as personal life
i can mange my life well by professionally and personally and i have strict timings for professional and personal so that i can balance my life at any corner of my life and i understand the things what are professional and what are personal .
Goals and Ambitions
my GOAL is to become An IAS officer for India betterment and i have plan for it till i reach my goal i need some kind of professional field to work .
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
having much talent and went abroad and serve their for their country betterment and one more thing is lack of sources we are unable bear the cost lacking to improve new technologies so if we want to be implement new things we and our India needs to development economically stronger then it would be possible.
Company and job profile
i am a fresher with professional degree and love to work in core industries and i am sure that i can give my best in every aspect where i assigned.
My role model
i can't tell that one person is inspire me because so many personalities inspire me who are around me
Making job easier
basically i would love to work in team i hope this makes me better in any field
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