
Rinku Sushanta Mukherjee

Rinku Sushanta Mukherjee

About Rinku Sushanta Mukherjee

I had done my internship in Retail Sector in RELIANCE FRESH as a product incharge, my job is to see the increase the sales of a product and decrease the waistage of a product. Write now i am doing a job in Relaince Communications as a Sales Associate, my job is to sale a product to a corporate. In a college i used to handle the different events and also participated in different activities.

Rinku Sushanta Mukherjee ’s experience

computer operator   at   Krishna Consultancy , Surat, INDIA
May 2006 – August 2007
Industry: Other
Functional area: Other
i had handle all the companies employee salary list as well as
the PF and ESI of a individual
sales Associate  at   Reliance Communications , Bangalore, INDIA
December 2008 – December 2008
i have to handle the sales of a product to a corporate its
basically IT company (currently)

Rinku Sushanta Mukherjee ’s education

jeevan vikas high school [April,2001] , Surat, INDIA
XII [commerce],
R V Patel College of Commerce [April,2003] , Surat, INDIA
B.Com [aduting],
R.V. Patel College of Commerce [April,2006] , Surat, INDIA
International School of Business and Research [Currently,Studying] , Bangalore, Finance & Retail

Rinku Sushanta Mukherjee ’s additional information

Cricket, Chess, Carom, listenting old music, driving a bike, to make other happy
Awards and achievements:
had certificate in cricket, and also organise different event in college, also had done CSR activities in college
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