
Sankar Adida

Sankar Adida
IT Analyst
B.Tech +... Computer Science

Sankar Adida ’s experience

Exempt Non Officer (ENO)   at   Credit Suisse , Pune
It is the job of an IT Analyst ... I work for the Investment
Banking (IB) division of Credit Suisse (CS). I can be considered
as an IT Analyst (popular jargan). So I will rather be bothered
about the deevlopment and support of IT systems in CS than
involve in the business side of IB which includes interacting
with clients. Moreover, do not quickly come to a conclusion
following the previous stmt. I do not work for the CS clients. I
belong to a department called Propreitary Trading Desk which aims
at investing CS own's money and multiplying the revenues a lot.
So there are traders who do the investing for CS and they are
supposed to be very good at Quant - moreover, they are paid huge
and their salary depends a lot on how much money they can earn
for the company. The Propreitary Trading IT department, to which
i belong, helps the traders by building competent systems,
technology and architecture they need to ensure fighting
competition in the market. So u can think that the systems used
here are updated /advanced in every sense. Here speed /
optimization matters and we have as much risk as the traders with
respect to the rules to be followed while developing legal
financial systems. So we are as well supposed to develop
financial information apart from the techs skills we hv / develop
as we go along. The best thing over here is that we hv to
continuosly think about optimizing the systems to the farthest
extent. We work in tandem with the traders and see to it that
they are not on a back step with respect to the technology / IT
whatever they use. Basically it is all about earning more and
more money. What I hv described above is quite generic and I
can't go into exact details abt the work I do here due to obvious

Sankar Adida ’s education

B.Tech + M.Tech [Computer Science],
IIT Madras [2008/May] , Chennai

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