
Mudit Mathur

Mudit Mathur
PG Diploma Post graduate diploma in Jour...

Mudit Mathur ’s experience

Consultant   at   TIMES OF INDIA GROUP , Lucknow, INDIA
April 1984 – August 2008
Industry: Media/Dotcom/Entertainment
Functional area: Other
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (a) Freelance Journalist also worked
as 10.01.99. to date. Correspondent for ‘The
Tribune’ 01.01.2001 to 30.06.2001 (b) Special
Correspondent, JVG Times 01.01.1994 to 30.11.1998 (c)
Staff Reporter, Navbharat Times 01.10.1988 to
18.06.1993 (d) Sub-editor, Navbharat Times
01.08.1986 to 30.09.1988 (e) Staff Reporter, Sandhya Samachar
23.10.1985 to 31.07.1986 (f) Sub-editor, Sandhya
Samachar 01.11.1984 to 22.10.1985 (g)
Sub-editor, Navbharat Times 15.10.1984 to
31.10.1984 (h) Trainee Journalist, Navbharat Times
17.04.1984 to 14.10.1984

Mudit Mathur ’s education

PG Diploma [Post graduate diploma in Jo...],
Rajendra Institute of Communicati [July,1984] , Lucknow, INDIA
University of Lucknow [June,1982] , Lucknow, INDIA

Mudit Mathur ’s additional information

Awards and achievements:
 I covered political beats including routine coverage of the State Legislature, the Governor, Chief Minister and his cabinet and visiting Prime Minister, Union Ministers as well as various departments of the U.P. State including Medical Health and Family welfare, Energy, Urban Development, Environment, Education, Transport, Agriculture, Local bodies, Railways, Scientific organisations, besides Trade Unions and Employees Association etc.  I covered parliamentary proceedings including privileges motion proceedings, during the sessions of State Legislature and was able to communicate the legal complexities of procedure.  I am well versed with the Constitution of India and various laws of the land and covered many important cases in the High Court.  A number of investigative stories reported by me have been published. I have been in the panel of casual News Reader of Doordarshan India.
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