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Advice Request
Vishwanath Bajirao Talekar
Vishwanath Bajirao Talekar

Vishwanath Bajirao Talekar

software developer

kale enterprises payroll for forbestechnosys ltd


Vishwanath Bajirao Talekar is a member of:

Degrees That Matter:
Degree Hold:-Bachelor of Engineering
Specialization(Stream) :-Computer Engineering.
Degree Hold :- Diploma in Computer Engineering
Also did Certification in from seed info tech with A+ Grade.
Required Reading:
As I am looking for Microsoft technology i recommend the e books that available for latest technologies such as LINQ, SILVER LIGHT etc.
Plans For The Future:
I am looking to be an part of those employer who giving me an opportunity for prove my skills as well as for growing.looking myself at one of finest position that helps the company to reach on top of mountain of software industry.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
People in world are always looking to fulfill there dreams. as I proud that i am able to complete my dream to be an software developer in one of leading company.
Growth Strategy:
Experience is always matter. I improved myself through experienced the scenario of day by day learning.
Done Differently:
As of today whatever i know or whatever i did i am well capable to do that part. but if such condition happen in future I will definitely accept the situation. I am interested to learn new technologies. but beside that also try to keep myself updated for the previous things.
Working Life Management:
I follow below formula in Office Hours:
(family,friends,home,etc) ∝ 1/Work Life.
I know that if my attention toward friend and family increase my work performance is decreases. persons who follows above rule them we called as PROFESSIONALS.
Family Background
I belonging to family of six.We are 4 siblings including me. We all are like Tree. my Dad and mom are the root node of my family. my dad is retired from job. my mother is house wife. my eldest sister is doctor. elder sister is employee of TCS and elder brother is working as quality analyst at BDH chemical company. I am Leaf Node of my family. as i mentioned in my profile i am working as Software developer. root nodes and all others are did a lot for me now its my turn to fulfill their requirements.
I am the
Career Profile:
This is my first job as Software Developer.
Current Role:- Application Development and Maintenance
Responsibility:- Communication,Modeling,Coding,Unit Testing.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Time teaches to everyone. as of my time is increases all colleagues are well aware of me and my nature. we all are working together share knowledge and difficulties. during lunch break my entire team is lunched together we gossips with each other. I always looking to keep environment professional but working is done as part of single unit.
The Journey So Far:
I have around 10+ months of experience. in this competitive world my journey is filled with fusion of surprises,experiences and the reality. I realize difference between what we did and what we do? I understood the presentation of real world domain in software domain. also realize the spend analysis. I must said that
now i am understood the meaning of WHAT YOU GIVE IS WHAT YOU GAIN?
Advice For New Professionals:
please do the following if you think its right,at the end choice is yours:
Time is Money. Invest it on right time and right place.
don't hesitate when you are struggling that phase come to everyone's life .remember one thing failure is first step of Success.
Contribution to the field
1. I Developed Webservices,Transaction Modules,Schedulars,Bill Modules an B2B and B2C application using c#,,sql server 2008
Role Model:
my FATHER. he did a lot for me and my family. i think those five letter F,A,T,H,E,R are enough to said anything.
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