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Advice Request
Vinay Poddar
Vinay Poddar

Vinay Poddar

Manager: East and North East India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal

MyJoVE Corporation


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Marketing is a medium by which a product or the services is being visualized or imaginary visualization is being created for a specific market in many ways.
It is as much important as for an organization as wheels of any vehicle.
Achieving Targets
By following methods :-
* before moving forward I should be acknowledged by a concern department that sales team is approximately ready to hit the market and launch the product or the services that means they have complete knowledge of product and the services befor, after the sales.
* daily meeting before hitting any market
* by asking the solutions of the problems by giving a situation and asking a valuable feedback and a better way to tackle the situation.
* keeping the live problems and situations in the middle of the sales force and asking the best solutions and how to handle the situations.
* a sales person should update a bit information of opponent organization
* either made a customer or not get the proper feedback regarding the product or the services and about the company.
* evening meeting about the day and lets call it a day
* make them understand "never ever give up"
Recommended Courses and Certification
A person who is working in marketing department and in a corporate sector then a person should have few qualities as according to me which includes as such as follows :-
* Trends & Forecasting
* Integrate and build the competencies
* Overall functioning of processes & implementing processes in line with the pre-set guidelines
* Understanding of operations
* Marketing skills, like prospecting, making business propositions and creating value for the product
* Handling a team of sales executives and counter sales executives
* Good Communication skills and soft skills
* Human Service
* Information Management
* Market Planning
* Market Research
* Marketing skills
* Operations management
* Organization Management
* Research and Investigation
* Sales Management
* Team Management
Last but not the least, a person should apply 4P's of marketing everywhere which will give the brief introduction about everything and clear the concept which is Price, Place, Product and Promotion.
Suggestions to aspirants
If I will get a chance to give some suggestions to the aspirants who want to make career in marketing department then I will start as such as follows:-
* Dress well
* groom yourself in personality and skills as well
* a person should develop a listening skills
* when you(aspirants) speak then it should be short and crisp
* a person should have complete knowledge about the product or the services and services before, after the sales
* a complete knowledge means, a valuable knowledge from top to bottom line of the product or the services and about the competitor as well
* zeal to understand clients needs and requirement
* commitment towards the time frame is the best key in corporate sector
* a person should have soft skills & good communication skills
* revise and refresh yourself whatever you studied in college and go through assignments and projects
* do some case study before hitting the field
All the best, you will face lots of problems and issues. "Welcome to the Corporate World!"
Future trend
Now days what I can find, there are customer of each vertical and a marketing person should be very intellectual when interacting with the clients. Its very important for a marketing person or a salesperson which is a person has to be in the same rhythm and should have very fluctuating skills as per the customer standard. understanding customer needs and the reason is also very important as well.
Its the same way when we learn alphabets in the primary school with the help of many valuable resources like books, notebooks, pencil or pen, my parents money, valuable time frame which will never come back and many more, when I will have those feeling that I have learned those alphabets and after a period I can see, I am capable of making new words by making lots of mistakes. When I am ready to make new words then I realized that now I should start knowing about more words and keep trying to read and write more words, when I have that instinct that I am ready to make new sentences and day by day I am trying very hard to make more and more sentences in many different ways while making n numbers of mistake and I am capable of making new sentences. By getting the valuable feedback from friends, colleague and teacher I can notice, I am improving myself by under the guidance of books, notebooks, friends, teachers and my parents. its the same way I do and will suggest any marketing person.
What can be achieved
As so far I think there is no limit if a marketing person understands his / her role very well and in appropriate manner by keeping in mind that I have to utilise my skills by saving time and organization capital. They (marketing person) are the face of the organization and I am sure everyone try to maintain the face first.
There are many words and statement which can signify the difference between sales and marketing, here are few difference as such as follows:-
* Sales is a part of marketing
* selling a product is sales and promoting a product is marketing
* sales means in terms of exchange of goods or services but marketing is the way of communication and promoting product or the services in many different ways of communication
* selling a product or services is very significant to the buyer or a specific clients but marketing the product is for each and everyone.
* selling the product is the only part of the sales but marketing relate to everything ie product before and after selling the product.
selling is a direct approach but marketing is a way of communication
* sales is a result of marketing but marketing is a strategies which is drawn to advertise the product
* sales is a short term period but marketing is a long term strategies
As according to me I have listed few medium of communication which may help people getting in marketing sector in current scenario:-
* Yellow Pages
* The Times of India newspaper, Hindu newspaper
* search engine like google, bing, yahoo, blingo, etc
* few website, indiamart,, justdial, etc
Brief yourself
I am a man qualities with good and bad, who respect elders and have same respect for youngster. I do have respect for few things which is not visible but it’s the same words we exchange, the way we behave, the way we feel, generate and exchange feelings, the way we communicate. I am passionate about few things which is exchange of respect and time, I try my best to make them(colleague, friends, co-worker, subordinate and superior) understand few times and at the end if I don't find any positive changes then I believe in quit but most of times I find changes in people in positive aspect. I am an honest person who is dreaming a lot and willing to fulfil his dream, day by day I am making more effort, developing my mentally and physically skills to make a ladder and for sure a time will come when I will reach my destination. I know I have to work hard and harder and I am counting on it. At times even I feel like having fun and I enjoy a lot, I know this day will not come back...
Importance of 4ps
4P's of marketing is the basic concept of the marketing and let me try to make it simple and clear in short,
* Price- which should be significant value in the market as per the demand in the market.
* Place- the product or the services which will be launched in a particular areas or in between group of people then how it should launch and as per the location how product or the services should be design and how it should be modified and how it should be delivered in that locality by keeping in mind about the weather, climate, geographical structure and class of people. So, a client will be capable to accept the product or the services.
* Product- a product which is design for the user, is it valuable as per their(consumer) needs or is this product is capable to fulfill the customer requirement?
* Promotion- a product or the services which is design at a reasonable price, should be communicated in such a way that group of people of specific place can understand the product & importance
Its very important for any organisation but it totally depends on the product or the services that in which way branding should be done for the product or the services by keeping in mind about the person for whom the product is designed.
like an example if a cricketer is a brand of a bat or sports accessories then it will be promoted and branding is definitely in a positive aspect, but if a cricketer is a brand of a cement then that doesn't mean that a customer will definitely buy that product by imaging that this cricketer might have used the same cement in their house.
Importance of On line marketing
Its very important in today's corporate world.
As what I think, in accent people use to live around hundred years and the thing around them was not easily approachable, they use to travel much in the aspect of goods and services but if we talk about current situation we all think we are in short of time and we have to do lots of things but we are not able to point out the exact thing what we need and in that case if we can find the various product online then we can check what is our need in terms of everything like price, feature, size, weight, in terms of quantity and in terms of quality as well. Apart from that we can compare the product or the services by any provider in one platform without wasting much time and we get a return policy as well. As what I think everything has its drawback as well but we have to be very attentive while purchasing any goods or services online and we should check and confirm whether the website is verified or not before sharing any secret information.
Importance of STP
As according to me market segmentation, targeting a specific area or group of people and placing the product in such a manner by which it should be effective in the public and draw a optimistic picture in a viewer is very important nowadays. If the area is calculated as per the public living in that location and then the standard of the product meets the customer requirement then it will be great to expand the business while keeping in mind that product or the services should be the competitor or should be more attractive in terms of any of such thing like price, effectiveness, lasting of the product and the services before and after the sales.
Future prospect
I want to be a perfect and successful employee of an organization and I have been the same for last three years. In my point of view after few years I would like to see myself to be a effective member of top management employee of an organization.
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