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Advice Request
Vinay Gupta
Vinay Gupta

Vinay Gupta

Head of Marketing at GMC

GMC Software Technology India Pvt Ltd


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Qualities needed to become a successful leader
i would like to define it with some keyword. if these keywords attract to you than you are on right path.
Keywords for Success: Passion, Dreams,failure,motivation,Blessings,humanity ,positive thinking,smart work, innovatiove and risk taker.
i think person should keep in his mind what he is looking for ? and what he will loose .
My strongest skill
Marketing starts from me. i design creative campaign which push the person to think over it again and again. Innovation is a key of it.
Ensuring success
CRM : Customer relationship management and business development strategy formation, New Process formation for operation.
Couple of years from now
These days I am managing swiss MNC alone as due to some reason my boss left the organization so company given me a responsibility to take care of the company .While I am just 1.5 years old in this company. In a couple of years i would like to see my self as a Vice president or C.E.O. This is because i have seen lot of struggle in my early days.
Initiative to develop a country
Professionals should do their best in work place and should not have narrow thinking . Take opportunity and proove yourself in workplace. Some people told me vinay why you are working so hard for your compnay ? are they giving you double salary . i said " i work for my sattisfaction not for compnay . So Do your best and best will come to you . if you do hard work , you will earn more and your earnigs reflects in IT dept too. So you will contribute a good amount for under developed people.
Earn high , pay high.
Brief description about me
I believe in Groundbreaking , This is a tag line of a personality known as vinay8484 in the world of internet.Google always has influenced me a lot so i decided to make my known brand name. i chose a unique keyword "vinay8484" which belongs to me only. if product can have its brand name so why can't i. this is a reason i designed my own website The best part of this website that i have never invested a single penny to made this . i am enthustic photographer,traveler,blogger and writer . More than 70 articles published in nationalize news paper and magazine. My motto of life "Do for people , people will do for you". I am an MBA and engineer from qualification.
More about myself
you can visit my website if you want more information about me .
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Really its a good question . I think there is a need of good consumer at the booth or admission center when children wants to take admission .
Parents should not force their children to fill their unfulfilled desires . Give them a freedom to choose the carrer . In present schanario people are just following each other . Don't follow other , you are unique and you are different from other , so don't be a part of number racing game . Choose your own game and defeat others in that.
Indian education system need a drastic change . These days people just want to compete others and want to proove thereselves . Don't comepte with others. there are many branches where children can go and make carrer in it .
another big issue is Moral Science and motivation. I think it should be compulsary to give them moral value classes till 10th. People are just forgetting from where they come from. Read books which inspire you. Indian educatinist should keep eye on healthy competition.
My family background
i come from medium class family . My father in a private service while mom is relegoius lady. my elder sister is also an engineer . She prooved her self in IT industry while she was having BIOLOGY till 12th. After enginnering in 2007 i did a diploma in website designing . Very few people do diploma after engineering degree. i waste or invest my one year to writting artciles . in 2008 i got a job in my home town of 6500 per month .After 9 month later newly appointed project manager asked me " Vinay what do you want to do in your life " i said " An MBA " . Then why are you wasting your time here . it pinched me . i took one day leave and next to next day i gave letter to my manager in which i wrote that i am leaving now.i took one more year to prepared myself for MBA prepration . My apptitude is not as much powerful as my attitude so CAT betrayed me but MAT gave ticket to do an MBA from Balaji college Pune.
My role model
It is not one person who inspired me . But there is one compnay which inspired me a lot. which is GOOGLE- a God of internet.
Their innovative thinking always give a inspiration to do more .
Each and every time they come up with groundbreaking ideas and well defined strategy . i just love this compnay and would like to be part of it in future.
My achievements
i think this link can help you for this .
Degree that I recommend
Important decision
Choosing own path in worst condition .
i took decision to leave the job when people were hungry to grab it any How.
In some time you have to take tough decisions in your life and believe me these decisions changed your life completely .
Important lesson learned
Really i thank GOD that i learnt many lessons from my life.
Believe in yourself till the extent.
Thank God each day before going to bed.
Be honest ( this work for me)
Take Risk
Be a good helper
Lead where you can
Influenced by
As i told
Google is a compnay influnced me a lot because of its innovativeness .
See its product when it comes in market it just sweep it completely.
Look at GMail, youtube, picasa and Android .
Just wow.
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