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Advice Request
Ankur Tailor
Ankur Tailor

Ankur Tailor

Mechanical Engineer

soma enterprise ltd


Ankur Tailor is a member of:

My advice
have patience. you are lucky.
Company and job profile
My company was dealing with highways, infrastructure and power generation projects.

I worked as procurement engineer.
Goals and Ambitions
I want to do M tech in design technology from IIT Delhi.

Then I want to go in a automobile sector.

In next five years atleast I give initial start to my dream life project which is to open india's largest research institute. This research institute will do research in every field like social, political, financial, scientific etc.

The biggest hurdle is the indian education sector which have to provide best student/entrepreneurs.

Its a very long journey to come into reality of my dream. I think India needs research in every field.
My important career decision
I left my job (worked almost 2 yrs.) to pursue my career in automobile field.
There are many more sacrifications are waiting in my coming life.
Family Background
I belong to a middle class family. I have two younger sisters.
My father is state govt. employee. Mother is housemaker.
Being different
Patiently learning and understanding something new.
Most importantly generating an opinion from own observations. thinking about New feasible ideas to better livings of society.
My strongest Skill
I can say soft skills, communications.
My achievement
It is a little. By my initiations and hard contributions my college team (10 students from my batch) made a Baja vehicle and participated in BAJA SAEINIDA 2011 first in my college. I was technical head of the team.
Challenges faced in job
dealing with suppliers to timely delivery and price negotiations Some interesting ways too.
I learnt how to select best supplier.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
skills skills skills!!!

We have everything except skills. why dont big firms like reliance, TATA, infosys etc. come with new innovative skill development ideas.
Making job easier
team work and confidence.
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