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Advice Request
Vilas Bhalerao
Vilas Bhalerao

Vilas Bhalerao

Sr. Manager - HR

RDC Concrete (India)


Vilas Bhalerao is a member of:

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Briefly tell me about your company and the HR strategies you have in place.
RDC Concrete (India) Pvt Ltd is one of the leading ready-mix concrete manufacturers and suppliers in India, with Pan India Operations. Well defined HR Policies and Procedures are in place - for Talent Acquisition and Management, Reward Management, Learning & Development, Performance Management System, Competency Profiling, Succession Plan.
What are some of trends you are seeing in HR?
HR,has a paradigm shift continuously, now - a shift is taking place to " Employee Experience ". i.e - developing motivated workplace with engaged employees. Its focus is now on Talent Management and Employee Engagement. HR is facilitating CEOs, in defining the kind of organisation to be set up.HR is the leaders of leaders and creating the magic of co-leadership which makes 1 plus 1 is 11.
In the era of ever changing business, explain the difficulties in planning the Human Resource?
Human Resource is the most critical and dynamic resources in any organization, hence the difficulties are also there in its planning. Getting and retaining the right talent is always a big concern.
How do you describe the relationship of HR with the CEO’s?
CEOs also have to play key role in the mentoring & Coaching of their key leadership roles.Continuously connect with the people in the organisation. Handholding is the biggest role to build the next level leaders in the organisation which the CEOs perform. HR have to go aligned with business and in designing organization strategies and goals and to achieve them.HR should not be pleasers with the Top.HR can play a pivotal role in creating the culture in the organisation.
What is your biggest pain point?
Grapevine in the organisation is the biggest pain point.
How do you Motivate Employees with Rewards in your organization?
Rewards is always linked to Employee Performance and Organization Performance.We also have instant rewards.
How to attract good people, retain the better people and advance the best people
Focus on building and developing a good organization culture and strategies to attract good people, motivate and engage to retain better people and train and make them industry oriented to be the best in the industry.
When you hire people what are you essentially looking for?
Our focus is more on the Behavioral part of the candidate by probing on his past performances which is the best prediction.
Brief some of the leadership development programs held and how often? Result obtained from that?
The journey has just begun.Our Stakeholders have developed a culture of investing in peoples development at every level.We are still learning and still have to go a long way.The initiatives are more focused on functional skill building and building capabilities with very selective behavioral interventions.We are very conscious on leadership development,through continuous coaching & mentoring.
How do you identify leaders and promote them to the next level?
HR along with the Regional Business Heads has developed an " Individual Development Plan" for the key Talent Pool.Out of these talent pool we promote them to next level and give them bigger responsibilities at different location to deal with different challenges.HR has played a very vital role in initiating this activity.These talent pool are also trained in operational as well as sales.
Engaging Gen Y - Leadership and Organization Culture according to you?
We can attain results in an immediate fashion
How do you recruit and retain the diverse and ambitious Generation Y?
Career Growth and Succession Plan is well defined in RDC. That itself helps in attracting them. Challenging job responsibilities are added to their profile which makes their work interesting.
Attrition Management: Retaining vs. fresh hiring
RDC is doing well in retaining talents - organization has already made a shift to Talent Mgt and Employee Engagement. So results will be seen in near future.
Workplaces are changing. Cultures are evolving. The average employee today is different from his/her counterpart from a decade ago too? What is lacking and what does he/she need to keep in mind in todays working scenario
Organization Culture has made a drastic change now and they are looking for employees with right attitude than with right aptitude. Getting fit into any organization is a challenge to an average employee. Organization expectations will be always higher so the employees have to be competitive, innovative and up-to-date to survive.
What are your advice/ suggestions to fellow HRs in the industry?
Having good talent people in the organization was important yesterday, but today it is critical - so always focus on Talent Mgt and Employee Engagement. HR always have to focus on working Industry Oriented.Here I mean to say getting aligned with the business and know the complete rules of the game.
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