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Advice Request
Vikram J
Vikram J

Vikram J

Senior QA process engineer

Amtex Systems


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I was born and raised in Salem where my parents have settled now. I have an elder sister. Quite a compact family and I am a bachelor living up with my testing desires :)
Essential Advice
Most of the people choose testing or QA career as an option as they don't have any other chances. I remember reading somewhere "Testing is a skill. While this may come as a surprise to some people it is a simple fact." Testing is more of responsibility for your actions and you will see your growth
Current and Previous Responsibilities
The current role is to setting up a QA process for a start up company, introducing testing and metrics, educating the whole team about QA /Testing. The previous role was oriented with project based so we have to customize the process and the current role is of product based methodology definition.
Most Important Lessons
Be honest to your work. You cannot skip your own responsibilities in work which will lead you to mayhem! Work smart, socailize as much as possible because for a tester it is more important to build a rapport which will make easy communication with developer while debugging or requesting help.
Parting thoughts
I feel personally testing gives vast platform of learning different domains. As QA person and software tester, it is more important to know the product/project more than anybody else which enhances your testing skills. This is something I learned and keep learning all the time.
The Journey So Far
Started as a manual tester on BI domain,switched to automation, graded up to Test lead (manual and performance) for a leading airline project. Then joined with Facebook agency as senior QA and now working in the same role for a store locator product. Junior QA to Senior QA process engineer in short.
Tech trends to watch out for
Some of the interesting trends are cloud testing, future of software testing, more appropriate difference between testing and QA. For me trends mean, time to catch up with the wind else we will still practicing the old fashion as new technologies emerge and we need to learn, discover best practices.
Most Important Decisions
Hard but most vital decision is moving into different type of testing. Switching between automation, manual and performance is quite an important career decision. As I said, we will love testing but what do we love in testing? I made my clarity in QA process and manual testing implementation & exec
Points of inflection
Same as the important decisions. Some of my vital decisions I took in my career has been not so good to grew up in the expected way.
Role Model
I will consider my QA manager on my first testing job as my role model. Perfect balance of work life with team and after work life with the team. The quality of her is that she will make you to know and execute your responsibility. And patience on any critical mistake or bug, approaching it calmly :)
A Fine Balance:
It does not come in one day or one month. As I stated before, smart work, time management and socializing will help you to manage your work life balance. It involves all this aspects and even one slips, it is failure for the day in balancing life :) I plan my list and keep infront of me always :)
Currently working at
I am Senior QA process and lead test engineer. As a QA, I set up the QA framework for manual testing syncing up with the project process of the company. As a test engineer, I prepare test plans, test cases and I execute them. Apart from that, I do risk and impact analysis for bugs and new feature
Degrees that Matter
Personally I do not hold any certifications in QA/Testing domain but I do hold certifications on the domain which I was placed work. I have Business Intelligence and Airline domain certifications. I would suggest CSQA and CTM.
Plans for the Future
Complete QA process management for an organization. I am climbing up to define an Assurance vertical and managing the assurance services outsourced to different clients.
Changes in the industry
Notable changes. Now, companies and clients are realizing the urge of testing much before than their failure against Quality in their first few attempts. I see the process being customized on need and now metrics and assurance are wide spread in most of the companies rather than been kept as secret
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