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Advice Request
Vikas Banga
Vikas Banga

Vikas Banga


LetsGoMo Labs


Vikas Banga is a member of:

- Expert
The Journey : Early Days to How I Got Here
I started my entrepreneurship in 1998 in third year of my college, where
I became part of online job portal startup. After completing my
engineering, I joined HCL Technologies, where I was part of new
initiative in Retail Vertical. After working into new technologies
impacting Retailer like Electronic Shelf Labeling, ecommerce and more
for close to 3 years, I became part of founding team of Appulse
Technologies Appulse
which helps ISVs and Product companies in areas like software
development, software re-engineering, and Web Application Development.

the launch of iPhone, App Store, and growth of Android, in then last
few years, it was becoming very clear that mobiles are going to change
the way we live and impact each area of our life. I co-founded LetsGoMo
Labs in the year 2011 with the focus on understanding the mobile
technologies and helping our customers, which include startups, SAAS
providers, ERP providers, and enterprises adapt to the changes happening
in the mobile space.

Often it would involve creating smartphone
Applications and mobile websites depending on how their users are
accessing their systems.
Decisions That Mattered
Starting on my entrepreneurial journey in 2003 with Appulse
Technologies was one of the most important career decisions I have made.
Biggest inflection point has been the realization in 2010 that from now
onwards it is going to be Mobile First, Web Second. This led to the
launch of LetsGoMo Labs.
Work and Role: Then and Now
Major difference has been that I am back to my roots as an engineer.
More than half of my time goes into building mobile strategy,
smartphone apps and coding which has been bliss.I also keep myself
updated on the latest tools and technologies impacting the mobile space
right now.
Two Years Down the Line
I am still learning a lot every day. Not a day goes by where I have not
learned something new by interacting with our customers, and my team
members. We are working on a framework based on Phonegap/Cordova, which
would help us reduce the development time for creating and launching a
mobile application from 4-6 weeks to 1-2 weeks.
What I Learnt Along the Way
Most important lessons Ive learned is:

First: Less
is more. Meaning: focus, focus focus, do one heck of a job at the few
things that matter most to make the business successful, and don’t worry
about all the other things that you *could* be doing.

Perseverance. Everything will be challenging, stay at it, until you
nail it no matter how long it takes. Remember Edison, we wont have
"light" if it wasn't to his perseverance.

Third: Hire the best
team you can attract, and do everything you can to retain and inspire
them. If you're going to build an incredible company, you need brilliant
people with you.

Fourth: Plan for the best, be prepared for the worst.
Trends to Watch Out For
Rise of HTML5, Hybrid applications instead of Native Applications,
Phonegap/Cordova, Increase in tablets penetration as compared to
desktops, Growth of Android based smartphone as compare to feature
phones in the emerging markets like India and Africa are few of the
trends I am watching.

Growth of Android Phones in India would lead to creation of a
whole gamut of applications which leverage smartphones, mobile
Internet, and new initiatives liked UID project by Indian Government.
My Advice If You are Starting Out
Currently, mobile and smartphone offers immense possibilities in the
areas of education, governance, healthcare, enterprise IT, and commerce.
Its very easy to get lost in this maze of opportunities, my advice
would be to find a niche and build an A-Class team.
Must Focus Areas For the Future
HTML5, Cross-Platform frameworks like Phonegap,, CSS3, and the most important is User Interface Design.
Books/ Websites I Recommend

  • Designing the Mobile User Experience by Barbara Ballard

  • Designing the iPhone User Experience: A User-Centered Approach to Sketching and Prototyping iPhone Apps by Suzanne Ginsburg

  • 20 Recipes for Programming Phonegap

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