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Vijina Jairaj
Vijina Jairaj

Vijina Jairaj


Internet Marketing

Blogs (2)

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Importance of sales
Not just sales is the highest priority in an organization. Prior to sales, there are lot more pressurized situation where many things are carefully undertaken with priority right from the beginning of its production to packaging. So, I feel sales is important for marketing team immediately after production with utmost priority.
Motivating Factor
Brand and its concept is the most motivating factor that had led me to do marketing successfully. More than marketing, I find branding to be an essential factor of a business success to stay in the long run.
Importance of 4ps
Product, Price, Promotion & Place. This marks the marketing progress.
Role in an organization
My role is to market products online with Internet promotion tools like SEO & SEM. I am responsible to bring sales and visits online. The project I handle mainly include Ecommerce portals.
Future trend
I will say that marketing has technically advanced with SmartPhones. Now its far easier to get customers and stay in touch with customers even after sales to get their regular feedback at free of cost. Marketing methods today is advanced. We use email marketing, outsourcing, tele marketing and Internet marketing. The channels are wide and so its advancement.
I am sitting at the front end technology :)
Growth Prospect in marketing
He/She is more closer to latest technological development and is updated with the current trends of business. Direct or Indirect, everyone is involved in some businesses. we marketing people are the ones who promote businesses and so we are one step ahead from people of other streams.
Importance of On line marketing
It should be the first plan of any business. Today, Billions of users are online due to the terrible growth of Internet. Almost all traditional businesses own a website online for online customers. While this being the case, online or the Internet marketing should be the highest priority for businesses to acquire market online.
I read Online marketing news from SEOMOZ blog, business news from Forbes, technical and technological news from Techgig & SiliconIndia. I do read Smashing magazine newsletters, participate in webmaster and business forums. I also collect valuable news from LinkedIn Articles.
Importance of Marketing
I believe my role to be the most important in my organization. Marketing and myself being in Internet Marketing, I find it as the most interesting job one could attempt. Since marketing decides how the product/services reaches the customer, this team is highly important for any organization. Similarly the growth of business is supported by Marketing irrespective how good the product/service is.
What can be achieved
Boundless. We can do endless research to market a product, sometimes its creativity that marks the success of a business.
We consider the positive growth happened in the past days and use it as a tool to surpass the negative situations.
Suggestions to aspirants
Marketing is wide, its creative. You learn how people are doing business worldwide and really that inspires to begin your own business.
Achieving Targets
We plan and report every week. We are liberal in using the time, however by the end of a week we review the reports. Here time doesn't matter, it is how good we use our energy. One hour work with positive outcome is better than 12 Hours work without result. Even if it a less time, one should work at his best. Time is never a constraint, one can work at his convenient time and at time which he/she finds to be valuable to promote sales.
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