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Advice Request
Vijay Sharma Vijeet
Vijay Sharma Vijeet

Vijay Sharma Vijeet


v-india education , vrickson technologies , B&B TVandFilm Productions


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More about myself
I felt one thing in my life that it is not easy to attain your goal if you come from a poor family, i remember how my father who worked as a mechanic in SAIL tried his best to make only money but one thing always used to hurt me that he used to drink alcohol a lot which often would disturb my mom and sometimes mutual quarrel would make things mess in the home., still i have a high regard for him because he gave me birth and he is father otherwise credit of our education goes to my mom who is the best women of the world as i know the pain she bore to bring us up. I love my parents as they often told me one thing that i must be a good citizen , i must stand for other cause that's the reason i believe in charity and i can't see tears in anybody's eyes.
Couple of years from now
In terms of business i see myself as one of the millionaire very soon but in terms of social recognition i have still got a lot to do for society and for me that recognition is more important.
Influenced by
My mother & my english teacher at Kendriya Vidyalaya Mr. Bandopandhya , Sir A P J Kalam , History of Jai Prakash Narayan , Karpuri Thakur, Rajiv Gandhi's contribution and his vision.
My family background
I was born in a very poor family , my father was a mechanic who came from a good family in Gaya but he was discarded / ignored a lot as he was step son of my grand pa , he was driven out of home and he was good in repairing a car which brought him a good job as mechanic in SAIL at Bokaro, my father had a one strong quality that he used to work very hard to make money and he was very honest and particular about it. My other 3 brothers also had education at Bokaro Steel City but my third bro is very genious as he has a sharp business mind he did a lot for the family as he supported my mom , dad a lot during my days of struggle. I was married to a very rich family but relation did not last for a long time and it got broken.
My strongest skill
I was not even able to speak english upto standard 12 but it was my respected teacher Mr. Bandhopadhya who used to encourage me and i did it when i went to college where i praticed a lot with one of my best friend and improved it like anything, excellent communication is very important today.
I feel ability to assess a situation, seek multiple perspectives, gather more information if necessary, and identify key issues that need to be addressed are critically important.As we progress in our life or business process it will be important for us to showcase our ability to devise solutions to complex problems which is the need of the time.
I realized importance of I.T.Literacy so i did mastery over it which helped me a lot & I believe in good interpersonal abilities which I have.
My role model
Glad to answer this one , during childhood I was very much influenced by Amitabh Bachchan which inspired me to goin to acting arena , i tried for role into films got one but my father discouraged me a lot and i feel this was the turning point of my life , my dad should not have stopped me else i could have been a reputed actor today still there is that actism somewhere in my passion and i am sure there would be one of two serial or movie i am going to produce with a role for me. Another person Sir A P J Kalam life history inspired me a lot - i did some research on election-e-card proposed it to NRDC but was rejected for patent and fund. Life history of J P , Karpuri Thakur inspired me to be an active in society to help needy.
Degree that I recommend
I did simple graduation then PG diploma , dreamt to study abroad but could not for the lack of money. Right now i am desirous to learn the art of Animation and post production for Tv and Films.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
It takes a certain type of individual to become a great leader and there are several things which are essential for leadership qualities like one should have a mindset of a leader with integrity which is something that explains a person's inner values and a person's integrity is displayed through his outward actions.,It is a character trait that is hard to develop, but is often developed from childhood on.
Magnanimity is another essential quality that simply means to give credit where it is due. A leader should take part in all types of activities, and should never think that certain jobs are beneath him.
,Communication skills are required for leaders. A leader must be able to communication well with people, employees and customers.Finally, a great leader should be inspiring to those around him. He should display a sense of encouragement and should be a positive thinker.
My achievements
Very strong communication skill which often help me communication with people very easily.

Used to work hard on programmings in COBOL , FoxPro , C / C++ and i am proud to have a strong hold in it.

Innovations :

election-e-card - i did a lot of work on it but application for patent was rejected.

SUR APNA DHUN APNI - my dream project i am working on it, its a music reality show with unique concept, very soon it will come on nay channel.

A MOVIE Working on a concept to produce a movie like SLUMDOG MILLENIUM .

People NetWork : I have a strong network of people across india.

The Self Lost for Nothing ? - My BIOGRAPHY is about to be published

My Dream Charity Prog. yet to come : In fact, I want to do a lot for Thalassemic Patients in India.
Ensuring success
Investing in New Proect which I am starting next month and the music reality show is to start soon.
Important decision
Liasioning with MNC and Govt. for I.T. Projects.
Never lost my heart whenever there was failures , i kept patience , kept studying & analysing a lot & always believed in GOD as i knew there is no shortcuts to success.
Initiative to develop a country
First , We must prevent brain drain and Invest in R&D in India and we must give chance to meritorious students irrespective of reservations in jobs. Second, we must raise voice for " Two Party " Political System . Third , we must donate 10% to poors as each one should live and grow.
Brief description about me
I am CEO of my own company v-india education, vrickson technologies and B&B TV and Film Production, I started my career as a teacher with a very marginal salary of Rs.1500 in the year 1992 then joined another I.T. group as a senior faculty then manager then regional manager and a day came when i realized to have my own company to use the whole potentialities in me and contribute more to it. In between i saw many downs but never gave in as i knew it takes several efforts and pain to reach upto your goal. Today, i still feel that my GOAL is yet to come.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education is an instrument which changes man into complete man. But today's education system making man into half, I mean half knowledge person and as we know half knowledge is very dangerous because whatever he does, he will do with his half knowledge and result we know so lot of innovations needed in educations.Time has come more education which is practical based with R & D in it.
Important lesson learned
yes of course , honesty and integrity pays a lot in life, an analytical and innovative hard work never goes in vain it is bound to pay you & most important self confidence with a positive thoughts lead you everywhere.
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