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Advice Request
Veer Sagar
Veer Sagar

Veer Sagar




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Comparing Online sales with hardcore sales
I dont differentiate. To me sales is a continuous process and not a discrete activity or campaign. My salesman have always been my customers and my delivery staff. The hardcore sales process is good for pointing out new opportunities.
Becoming good marketing professionals
A sales professional is good only if he understands the requirements and hence the sales solution from the customer's point of view. A good marketing person is expected to create or position a product which is good for the customer. As long as the whole process is customer centric the professional is good. Th moment it moves to target achivement or stock clearence then both fail. People buy from people and people sell to people. Product is incidental
Upcoming Trends
The challenge of meeting increased customer expectations and use the ever changing and improving technology. The competition does not come from another company in your domain but by a new technology or process. The challenge is to catch it and harness it
Handling new territory
The difficulty is getting face time . No one opens mails from unknown or takes phone calls. So the challenge is to find a reference or create a network. This take time and money
Essential skills
The ability to listen and have an open mind. Be receptive to ideas and not subscribe to i know it all syndrome.The person should feel for the customer and give the customer right advice even if that means you dont get the order. The prospect will respect you for it and will become your salesman
What achievements are you really proud off , in your corporate journey?
there have been a few.
1) When i was able to convince a group of hostile rickshaw owners to buy my Dunlop Rickshaw tyres by showing to them ,in their language, the benefits to them
2) When i was able to convince a staunch IBM MNC bank to shift to my ICL products and how it will improve the banks customer service. Moved the decision making process from specifications/technology and cost to value and service
3) When we convinced and worked with a large government department to buy specially designed DCM products rather than import
4) Convinced a family clinic to move to SELECTRONIC process of transcription even though it caused a change in their process by showing them that it was beneficial to the customer. This clinic is my best reference and sales point in USA even now after 10 years
Developing a country
they can create a wave of entrprenuers Since they are small and fragmented they cannot break through in the market. The government should form a body to get them business and leave the professionals to create the most effective deliveries and product/service
My advice to upcoming professionals
First try and acquire customer. Understand what the customer wants. And if you can deliver that then jump in
Importance of brand image
It is important as it gets you the first look and you always get benefit of doubt. Without a brand image you have to work so much harder.
My family background
i am a member of a large low middle class family in Hyderabad. I had a very happy childhood. My brothers and sisters in law provided a strong safety net and high value system. They created a sense of self belief in me and encouraged me to do well in studies and extra curricular activities.
Education system in India
The education system has to move away from creating clerks and babus to those who can play a role in today's service oriented environment.
For those who are educationally inclined (BA/BSc types) modify to include electives which will help them fit into the requirements of the Knowledge processing world and for the others create a hybrid model of brick and motar and virtual 3D classes to train in skills like welding/carpentery/plumbing/electrician etc. Leverage technology to overcome shortage of good faculty and brick and motar facility and train people in tier 2/3 towns
Current Job description
I am the Chairman and mentor of Selectronic. My role is to empower my staff and make them deliver better than yesterday and better than anybody else. I provide them a safety net to cushion any mistakes or risks.
I also act as the external face of the organisation and look for opportunities for the organisation to grow. I constantly do a landscape scan so that we always have a plan B
Effect of sales on an organization
Sales is everything. In a organisation every one has to contribute to sales in some form or the other or else that person is an unnecessary overhead
Essential qualification required
The ability to take risk and have an open mind. You should be able to last a year without any income
Motivating team members
By leading from the front and showing faith and trust in them. The more you expect and empower the better they will perform. Dont hold their hands.Push them in the deep and give them the confidence that you believe they will come out. Dont micro manage or nit pick
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