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Advice Request
Umesh Kaushik
Umesh Kaushik

Umesh Kaushik

Oracle DBA

Oracle India

Blogs (1)

Umesh Kaushik is a member of:

Couple of years from now
Solution Architect.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
--Education standard must be improved in government schools.
--Government must take strict actions for teachers who take govt job for granted
--Private schools must also give admission to bright candidates which cannot afford hefty school fees.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
--Ability to Delegate
--Sense of Humor
--Creative mind
Influenced by
My mother has inspired me a lot in my every aspect of life. She worked as a "Gram Sevika" in Additional District Office. She is very much dedicated to he job as well as family, even at the time when retirement is very near. She is still looking for more options to pursue after retirement.
Important lesson learned
We should learn to Forgive.
Ensuring success
--Always read about new technologies. Big data Analytics is the next big thing which is making news since last 3-4 years.
Brief description about me
Working as a "Data Migration Specialist" Consultant in Oracle Corporation, passionate about learning new technologies. Soft-spoken, understand my responsibilities well.
Initiative to develop a country
--Join Non-profit organizations to help other people in need.
--Donate things which you are not using.
--Try to educate people for simple things in life
Degree that I recommend
--Oracle Certification Programs
--Data Analytics
My strongest skill
--Commitment towards work
--Helping other people to succeed
--Positive attitude
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Assistant Professor, BITS edu Campus, Varnama (Vadodara)
BITS edu Campus, Varnama (Vadodara)
The West Bengal Power Development Corp Ltd
Software Engineer
Research Consultant
VIT University, Vellore-632014