
Muneer Basha

Muneer Basha
working as a accountant
master finance

About Muneer Basha

hai this is muneer Basha i have completed my PGDBA MBA from
icfai national college in hyderabad , i have done my project on a research work on consumer satisfaction level of for a period of 4 months but on completion of my 4th sem i went to my home town and working as a jr accountant under a incom tax practioner to move my career at accounting side because of this i am pursuing accounting course of certified public accountant at flexible mode from icfai university

Muneer Basha ’s experience   at   Pivotal Corporation , guntakal
preparing books of accounts

Muneer Basha ’s education

master [finance],
PGDBA-MBA Finance from icfai national college [2008/December] , hyderabad

Muneer Basha ’s additional information

most of my leisure time will be spent with my friends i love to take spicy food, and i make a regular study time mostly at early morning and evenings.
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