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Advice Request
Tajuddeen Adka
Tajuddeen Adka

Tajuddeen Adka

HR Coordinator


Improving Education system
The quality of Education in India is remarkably moving towards the possitive implications but it is limited to the level of urban areas.I am very sad to say that lower catogory of people in the villages are not been having awareness about the importance of education and they struggling to get the qualitative education to compete with the global level.
The apathy regarding the education is very high in the rural area.
Measures to be taken in consideration:
1) Local Governement should appoint educational therapists to each corner of villages to create awareness about the importance of education to the parents of the community.
2)Governement must adopt some measures to improve the quality of rural life style, then only people will think about sending their children to the school.
3)Every village must have a well organized school and qualitative therapists in the school which should be situated in walkable distance to the children of the community.
4)Free eduction system must be motivated
My achievements
I am getting a heart felt respect from my subordinates which is not only for my Designation but also for my thoughts and personality. My ability to giving high respect to my profession is my biggest achivement in my coorporate journey.
Relationship with HR and Top Management
HR Department must practice it as a 'Bridge' between the employees and Employer. Then only it will be effective as i believe.
Pain Points:
Every HR Department is having their own pain which is depend upon the mentality of the Top Management!
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
We should believe in 'each individuals are unique personalites' and while practicing it thouroughly we can easily identify the leadership qualities from them. Before promoting them to next level we must give them the reponsibilites of higher level to evaluate silently how they are performing, once we earned the confidence from them definetly we should promote them to next level.
Current HR Trends:
The very important trend is developing in HR is , from being a business perspective department it is slowly developing as Human perspective department. Also HR is getting value and it is not becoming limited for clerical work.
Helping to develop the country
Professionals must give justice to the society in which they have grown. Every professionals must be cautiaous to theier own society and in the wast about the country to convert it a 'developed' from so called 'developing' status since many years.
Every individual had been faced one or other difficulties by the systems or prejudices of the society while they were in the process to become a certain Professional. So they must consider that facts and try to irradicate such wrong things from their own local society as a part of theier social responsibilty. So in total it will reflect in the country level.
But before that very important thing is these so called 'Professionals' must be come out from the mindset of only making money! They should be practically exercise their social responsibilities to deveolop the country.
Current job profile
I am working as a HR Coordinator in a Company in a Hospitality Industry. I am continously focusing in to get the best sources from across the world to my orgainzation and trying to enhance their potentialities to convert it in to the profit to my organization. Coordinating the Human Resources is not a simply or business oriented job, it needs humanity and very important psychological tactics!
Being different from other stream
HR is totally diffrent from other professions. In every profession there are some 'fixed' works or duties assigned to them irrespective of technical or non technical professions. But HR is, we have to go deeply towrards each individuals and practice in different styles depends upon the conditions like Organization standards,people's mentality,cultural backgrounds,social forms etc.
Advice to upcoming professionals
Every Professionals must do justice their profession and come out from bias,prejudice and communal mindset.
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