
Brijesh Popat

Brijesh Popat
Project Lead @ Gateway Techn...
Bachelor... Computer Science and Engineering

Brijesh Popat ’s experience

Project Lead   at   Gateway Technolabs India Pvt. Ltd. , Ahmedabad
Person with good team manager and expertise in management skills
with ability to lead a team by examples and motivate them to
achieve desired objectives; Application and System Programming
management with 4 years of Experience in the IT Industry. Holds
B.E (Computer Science and Engineering) degree with fabulous
academic record; also done IT in Project Management from IIT
–Bombay through Distance Education Program (DEP)
course. Experienced in managing web and client/server
application software using C#, ADO.NET, Window services, XML, PHP
and any type of E-commerce solutions such as Yahoo Store, Amazon,
E Bay and X-Cart. Strengths include Digital Pen and Paper (DPP)
application solution []and project execution,
Self-learner, Resource Management skills, communication skills
and customer interaction skills.

Brijesh Popat ’s education

Bachelor of Engineering [Computer Science and Engine...],
Adhiyamaan Engineering College [2003/May] , Hosur- Tamil Nadu - India

Brijesh Popat ’s additional information

Business, IT Project Management, Finance
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