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Advice Request
Swati Dinesh Tomar
Swati Dinesh Tomar

Swati Dinesh Tomar

Research Associate

TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute)


Swati Dinesh Tomar is a member of:

Family Background
I am from a middle class family from a small town. My father is working in paper industries, Mother is a house wife and grandfather is a retired police officer. My siblings are studying presently.
My uniqueness
Aah that's a tough question... as I have to tell only one.. but jokes apart I am a very determined person, once I have decided something, than nobody can make me change that. I have to achieve it at any cost.
Favorite subject
Though I am a Medical Microbiologist by qualification but presently working in the field of Rural development and I think on field implementation of any research and policy is my favorite and strongest power or you may call it subject.
View s for better India
Students are future of the nation.. so it is necessary to involve them in right deeds at right stage. The way our country is moving anybody can judge its in wrong direction, but if our youth force can take up action like the way they did during Anna Hazare ji's protest, yes they have the power to change the world. The only thing they need proper mentoring and a proper leader, Because India is always been a country led by kings so to make people follow it is in the mind set that we need a leader. Everybody just can't be the leader, but yes they can be supporters of a good cause.
Most flourishing college experience
We used to participate in the blood donation camps and I used to drag everyone from our group for the same.
One day my professor told me that it is good to see that somebody is self motivated and has the power to motivate others for a noble cause.
Most influenced factor
corruption and lack in the coordination in the policies and schemes which are available for the welfare of the rural but unfortunately could not reach them. So working in that field, I want to make a change in that area. Planning and implementation should go hand in hand.
Favorite Books and Articles
Chetan Bhagat's article on Indian women and their stressful life. I am determined to follow all those rules and wish to reciprocate the same in others life.
Challenges facing by students
Our current education system, which concentrate more on theoretical knowledge than its practical applicability.
Career Expectations
It is now going more theoretical than practical.
Time Management
On field applications of the knowledge and then other subjects.
About Myself
I am a very determined, hard working and reliable person. I believe in spreading smiles with good deeds.
Most proud accomplishment
Such moment is yet to come... but I am trying very hard in that direction, to make myself, my family and my friends proud.
Spare time activities
SInging, Reading and trying new Adventures
First Job Expectation
1. Practical application of the research
2. Mental satisfaction
3. Transpiracy in work
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