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Advice Request
Suresh Kumar
Suresh Kumar

Suresh Kumar

Govt. employee

Panchayat Raj Dept. Govt of Andhra Pradesh

My family background
My father is a retired singareni employee and my mother is a House wife. I have one elder and younger brother. My elder brother, who has completed his B. Tech, is working as a software employee and is married. My younger brother has discontinued his studies and has been to Australia, plans to start a business in Agriculture sector.
More about myself
I don’t think, I am that able person to give suggestions, but I do want to say to all the students and pupil of my age. Take the life seriously, make sure that you are perfect and just don’t do anything for killing time, whatever it is either education, games, family and especially your personal life. Don’t fall to small things, aim for the big. There’s nothing like you can’t achieve, always stay positive and never ever give up. Caution: Stay away from evil things, evil friends, boozing, smoking, most specially GIRL FRIENDS (They gonna kill you), instead keep yourself busy learning new things and spending time with your family.
Influenced by
There are so many pupil, I cant say particularly one person and the daily incidents I get to see in my life have really made my life depressed. An incident in my personal life made me negative minded and I am into boozing all my life. I really wanna change and I do say to myself, but never changed.
My role model
Cant say, I never see anything positively. I am always negative minded and fear of losing before I take a chance.
Ensuring success
I constantly think of completing my studies and pursue other things, but not have done anything positive, to see my dreams come true. I am bit lazy, besides being inferiority complex and I always fear that I shall be defeated and will lose.
Degree that I recommend
May be MBA. As I have not completed my Degree, should pursue it first and then plan to do it very soon.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
As seen from the educational system and read in magazines and columns, I do think we have the best quality of education system. Children should be made to understand things, instead of just following thats written.
Important lesson learned
15. Yes, definitely, I should have listened to my parents words, should have lead the life with much more discipline, which would have made me a better person and not made me to answer this question
My strongest skill
As I have been working in the State Govt. for the past (14) years, I do say strongly that I can work out accounts easily and I am into corruption and can bluff pupil easily. (Bit of over confidence) Not really, just kidding
Important decision
Nothing special, thought of doing a lot all my life, but wasted my time just dreaming and couldn’t achieve anything great.
Brief description about me
I am 32 years old. My Name is Suresh Kumar. My hometown is Kazipet, 120 KM from Hyderabad. I have completed my +2 and have been working as Junior Auditor for the past 14 years in Panchayat Raj Dept.
Initiative to develop a country
At the first sight, I don’t think that this world will ever change and in particularly our country i.e. India. People should change their mindset and educate themselves instead of depending on others. The Public should learn to question the authorities and shall fight for their rights. People should live a responsible life, instead of leading a hota hai attitude kind of life.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Should be hard working and always be positive, with lots of confidence, good communication skills, besides having bit of luck.
My achievements
Nothing, I have just made my miserable day by day. There’s nothing I have achieved and proud to be.
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