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Advice Request
Sumit Agrawal
Sumit Agrawal

Sumit Agrawal

Software Engineer



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First Job Expectation
When looking for a job, the top 3 things which i would look for are:
1. First of all i would look for the Job Profile. If a company pays me even 10 lacs just to do a job which does not fascinate me, i will not be able to do it. So i would look for a profile which would match my interests, and in which i will fit in.
2. Second thing i will look for is the growth as an individual, which the company can provide, and the working environment of the company. For an individual growth in career is very important, i don't want to be stuck in the same position for years and years and keep doing the same job. Also the working environment should be friendly.
3. Third thing I would definitely look for is the pay package the company is offering. I know what skill sets I possess. According to that if I am paid for my work, I will be happy. So the pay is also a very important deciding factor.
About Myself
I am a fun loving person. I am a professional cricketer as well, so i like spending most of my time on the field playing. Staying fit is my mantra for success, be it professionally, or in sports. Being a fresher in the IT field, i am just about to start my career as a Software Developer in Microsoft. I love developing phone applications as well. I believe in developing software that makes life easier in some way.
Religiously I am not too religious, but yes I do believe in a supreme power above us all. I love socializing and making new friends. Parties are fun for me too, and i enjoy being in close vicinity of friends. I am a team guy, and i love working in teams. Being the captain of my state, college and university cricket team, I like to lead my side, and have developed good leadership skills.
Time Management
While scheduling my time, i give top priority to my mental and physical fitness before anything. Only if I am fit, will I be able to deliver up to my potential.
Apart from that if something needs immediate attention, like a project whose deadline is coming nearer, I will give it more priority than most other things like outings, or personal entertainment.
Family too comes in my top priority list, as I am inclined towards my family for everything.
I have learnt to manage my time well. Having proper sleep of 7 hours a day, waking up early, there is enough time to finish all stuffs if you lead a planned life. Though at times I do like to do stuffs out of nowhere and unplanned, but that is only for fun. When it comes to work, that is always a priority for me.
Spare time activities
Well I love adventure. And I love nature. And before all that, I love sports. I love spending my time on the field playing cricket. I also love playing football, volleyball, pool, tennis and snooker.
I love to swim. It keeps me fit as well as improves the stamina. I love to spend time with friends in eating joints. Rafting, scuba diving, bungee jumping are some of my favorite time passes.
I also read a lot of novels. Science fiction novels and thrillers are the ones that grab my attention. Listening to music is a stress reliever for me. I love soft music.
Most influenced factor
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Larry Page are the 3 people whom I would like to give credit for influencing my career objectives. As a matter of fact, i don't want to be a part of the 'Rat race'. These people have gone out box, and did things which have changed lives of the common man.
I am influenced to do something like them. I want to change peoples' lives for the good. Also my love for computers has brought me to this position now. My trait to look for Quality in everything is what drives me to do better.
View s for better India
Students are the future of the nation as we all know. I strongly believe that the young generation can change the direction of development of any nation in this world. Thus it is very important that the energy and enthusiasm of the youngsters is harnessed in a positive way.
Students should be made to feel that they are the integral part of this nation, and that it is on their shoulders to take this nation ahead. They should be made part of the decision making in some level. Students should be given opportunities to educate the common public about issues in the country. Government should take more and more initiatives to recognize and reward the efforts of students in such activities, so that more and more students are encouraged and motivated to work for the nation.
Family Background
Well my family was always a business oriented family. My great great grandfather had moved from Rajasthan to Jamshedpur around 30-40 years back to settle down. From there he started business and it flourished.
As of now, my father is an industrialist. We have a chemical manufacturing industry. I have two uncles. One is running a Share-brokrage firm, with franchise of Share Khan. One uncle is an IRPS officer in Indian Railways.
Challenges facing by students
The biggest challenge i feel is the competition which is being faced by students every year. Every year, the number of students are increasing, and its getting difficult to get into good colleges for the average student.
My uniqueness
Well i have been a source of inspiration for a lot of my juniors in college. The reason being i managed to balance studies and sports uniquely, which no one else could do. I have maintained a CGPA of 9.54, and i have also been the captain of my college and university cricket team at the same time. I have been awarded the best all-rounder in my batch. Also in the end i got placed in Microsoft. So this i feel is unique is me as i have not done anyone else doing this.
Career Expectations
IT is an ever changing field of study. Every other day we have a new technology or updates to the previous one. So its very difficult to say what exactly the changes would be, but i would say i see a lot of changes in the technologies, and methods of studies in the coming years.
Most flourishing college experience
My most rewarding college experience was being the captain of my University cricket team. Its the highest honor for a sportsperson in college.
Most proud accomplishment
I am most proud of getting placed in Microsoft. The reason behind this is my urge to get it. When i first came in college, then on the day of counseling i had learnt that Microsoft takes only 1 student from my branch every year. That was the moment when i had decided that i will the 1 student. Today is that moment when it has come out to be true.
I am the only student to be placed in Microsoft from my branch, which consists of 120 students.
Favorite subject
I loved studying networks and Operating systems in college. I liked the way each and every problem was being solved by enhancing things one at a time. It fascinated me. Otherwise i liked Maths a lot.
Favorite Books and Articles
I read "The Shiva Trilogy" recently. It was an awesome trilogy i must say. A perfect blend of Hindu mythology coupled with fiction. I loved the books. One impact it had on me, which i would like to state is that, If u urge to do something, and if u believe that you are meant to do it, then you will succeed. You just need to believe in yourself.
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