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Advice Request
Sukhvinder Kaur
Sukhvinder Kaur

Sukhvinder Kaur


Management Institute


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Helping to develop the country
Today's professionals need skill of critical thinking and creativity to solve problems rather than blindly adopting inappropriate measures and utilize the resources available at disposal to their best.
Recommended Reading
Business, political and social networking websites
Advice For Fellow HR Leaders:
Prepare and develop more leaders
HR Challenges:
Globalization, mergers and acquisitions, changing demographics of workforce, changed employee expectation and attitude, weaker section interest and last but not the least managing the managers
Attract good people, Retain Better Performers and Advance the Best:
By providing quality of work life..........
Improving Education system
It needs improvement and the curriculum has to be industry oriented and continuously revised in light of changes happening in around. To improve the quality the focus has to be on the content delivery by the faculty and the concept of corporate governance needs to be followed by all the institutes in education sector also
Recruiting new generation:
There is undeniable correlation between performance and financial benefits which every organisation must understand. Alongwith that Care and importance are two main things which every employee is mad off. An organization can be loved by their employees when the organization excels in developing Employer Brand Management practices to generate workplaces where an employee can feel pride and satisfaction for belonging to an organization where he/she is considered, respected and recognized.
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
Passion for job profile, Personal and Professional development over a period of time, communication and analytical skills, interpersonal ability, multicultural sensitivity.
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
by looking at the past performance, willingness to take challenge and has a clear vision and motivating skills.
Current HR Trends:
Economic environment will impact HR. They have to prepare themselves to deal with best and worst. Come up with innovative ideas to deal with economic instability. Moreover they have to play the role of a strategic thinker.
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