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Advice Request
Sudipta Debnath
Sudipta Debnath

Sudipta Debnath

Sr. technical Leader in Aricent Group



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Brief description about me
I started career as a consultant engineer in Motorola India CDMA load tool group in 2000. I used to work from Integra Microsystems as a consultant in Motorola. In 2004 I changed job and joined ARICENT group which was known as Hughes S/W system.
I started career as a developer and then within a year switched into a tester. Why this choice, I judged myself and would like to know more about the developed product, which made me a tester. I always like to do experiment and crash the product which make me tester. I joined here as an SSE in comverse Tel-Aviv account and run started. I currently holding an E2E integration team of InterDigital, USA account in ARICENT.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education is something which should enlighten student's mind. Our education system is just to get score for higher studies. When I say the person is educated actually how much (s)he is educated that's a big question? Today's education system has to be more proactive to insert values inside students. Values means values of life. On the other hand, education system has to be made more challenging, more attractive to the students. Book is the only way to create a person and that value is going away nowadays with iPad, Tablet and kindle, we need to nurture our old culture.
Ensuring success
Growing in professional life, means career growth and when that thing comes into my mind, I continued for a company 9+ yrs, I learnt a lot, but at the same time I always had a feeling staying with an employer sometimes give you a stagnant feeling.
So right now I am looking for a change in domain, change of employer and of course this means change in compensation. I do not deny the fact career growth also associated with financial growth in other way. This is one way developing going on myself. In other way in my work life I love to experiment with new test methodologies, so reading IEEE journal with new test techniques, applying them in real project, finding benefit out of it, is also another way of developing myself. After that, this take away to propagate in form of papers or journals are another way to spread my learning.
My achievements
Starting from a village girl reaching to an IT company, starting from a middle class person to a technical lead of a company, become a name Sudipta where people know me by my invention across organization. I started my student life in a village of Bengal where people mostly thinks at the age of 18 yrs lady should be getting married, I thank to my parents who has made me an engineer.
Degree that I recommend
Degrees/certifications are formal stamping better learn from workplace, this is a vast knowledge space I believe.
Important lesson learned
Yes many such
a) Be direct, even if other party doesn't appreciate it but in that way you will not be in a hasty space.
b) I'd rather regret trying something than regret not trying something - so try everything what you get in your way and be happy, if you keep happy and satisfied yourself you can keep your surroundings happy and joyful - that is most important part in life.
Initiative to develop a country
Contribute as much as you can, not in terms of money, terms of knowledge, terms many other daily needs. Might be in terms of education, you can provide free education to needy people - thats also a charity.
My strongest skill
a)Testing, implementation of testing and optimize resource cost across organization.
b)Any challenging offer I prefer to accept.
c) Openness towards team as a lead.
d) enjoying my work.
e) Gathering knowledge in new domain and making team on product testing.
Important decision
Changing of my employer... After 9+ yrs of job I am right now on my own way to change the employer. I know its not so easy but changing employer is part of my career growth.
Next I have one more important decision to make to meet my aspiration, may be I will convey that in future round of discussion.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
a) A bold direct speaker.
b) smart enough to take risk of any upcoming challenges.
c) courageous - it means important to know where to show courage and how to show it.
d) A leader must be transparent by all means - so that team will feel comfortable working with him/her.
e) Leader must not be a BOSS.
My role model
My first role model is my mother - who taught me do not give up anything, try at your best you will achieve success - she is a housewife although. My second role model is - Robert Bruce - the exiled leader of Scotland - from whom I learnt keep trying something unless you succeed on your way. I also learnt from him every failure is pillar of success. So you fail means you are one step ahead to achieve your success.
My family background
My father Asit Kumar Bhattacharya - was a Govt. Service holder in WB Govt. he is retired now.
My mother Dipali Bhattacharya - is a homemaker, her passion was making me and my brother.
I have an younger brother 10 yrs younger than me - he works as a SE in Honeywell Technologies, Sandip Bhattacharya.
My daughter Pallabi - a 7 yrs old grown-up lady more matured than her age and my closest friend in this world so far.
I am single, mutually separated legally.
I stay with my parents. I basically came out from middle class background, so my mentality is typical middle class - i prefer to travel by public transport rather than car. I would like to choose less expensive things in my life.
Influenced by
My Mom - I used to see her from my childhood to hold the family from 6 am - 11 pm , she is now 60 yrs old and in this 60 yrs I found her maintaining family in same mode in same way without any break, without any gap in spite of all ups and downs in life. Really amazing.
Couple of years from now
Well, I have certain aspiration in life. I would like to be my own boss. SO need to start work on same, not yet much started, so that is what my dream. Regarding professional life I do not want to be CEO of some reputed company in spite of that I prefer to be CEO of my own company.
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