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Advice Request
Subhajit Ganguly
Subhajit Ganguly

Subhajit Ganguly

Engineer, Scientist, Author

Figsahre, Open Knowledge Foundation

Goals and Ambitions
For the next 5 years I want to continue all the work that I am doing presently, Be it my research, dissemination of research, or the various Open Science and the Open Knowledge movements I am a part of, I would want to be successful in all my endeavors. In the next 5 years, I want a more united humanity, not broken up by 'narrow domestic walls'. I would like to see a world where knowledge is free and is used for the upliftment of humanity.
My role model
Well, role models are everywhere and in everyone, provided we have the eye for it and the urge to learn constantly. Among the currently working physicists, my pick would be somebody like Dr. Ashoke Sen, whose work on S-Duality is well known. But having said this, I try to learn from all the people I meet everyday.
Challenges faced in job
My research interests have taken me on an amazing journey till now. I wish to carry on. What I dream of about the future of human knowledge may seem unrealistically enormous as of now, but surely enough, humanity will get there eventually. Only then a fear-free world will become reality.
Making job easier
My own curiosity and dreams fuel me when the chips are down. As I am part of the Open Movements, I know how helping others is a good way of helping ourselves. There lies the strength. As an Advisor to the Figshare Open Science, I get to come across so many people and tools, working together towards the common goal of a free-knowledge world.
My advice
Everyone is entitled to commit his/her own share of mistakes.One should try to be original, as far as possible, and never lose individuality.
Company and job profile
That my second book on the study of the Indus Valley script is done now, I am back to my research in physics. As my current subject of interest is the Theory of Abstraction in mathematical sciences, I would be working on a second book on the subject.
My important career decision
I have never shuddered away from trying out new things. That is the key. As for a few moves worthy of mention here would include going for the Avionics stream, Charting my own roads in research, becoming a part of the Open Movements, deciding to become an author, etc. Well there has been too many to mention all of them, I guess.
Managing professional as well as personal life
I feel that one's professional and personal lives are in no conflict with each other if one acknowledges the fact that while your professional life may be a rubber ball, your personal life is like a crystal ball, which once broken is very hard to mend.
The sense of balance is the key, according to my humble opinion.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
What our country lacks in is a true sense of basic research. True scientific fervor is looked down upon, while getting into colleges, passing exams somehow, and then getting a 'great' package is entrusted. Without basic research, we can become the back-office of the world that we are and be happy with our fat cheques (which by the way is like dirt by the payment standards of the 'developed countries'). But, what we would lack in is innovation that comes only from basic research. We have to stop just following existing technologies at some point and take the lead in developing new ones. There lies the key to economic leadership. Innovation! While a few institutions and scientists are proudly trying to do just that, the rest of the country is still in a sorry state of slumber. We have to change a bit at all levels of our thinking in order to turn ourselves into a country of free thinkers.
Family Background
Both my grandparents had taken a very active part in our struggle for freedom and my dream is to see their idea of a truly free India a reality. For that freedom from fear is important and this freedom only comes from knowledge. Knowledge is to be made free, therefore. I had the good fortune of coming into close contact with rural India, as my father was a vet and I used to travel with him from time to time, into the heartlands of the country. Broadening of perspective means inclusion of all possibilities and complete exclusion of mis-knowledge.
Current Trends
With regards aviation, we are truly in a real mess. We have to take real initiative and clear up this mess honestly, if we are to make progress. In science and research, we have to boldly abolish all systems that have lost their value and embrace all promising new trends. We should not fear accepting new ideas if we are to make any honest progress. The Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) and the ISRO are two such institutions we can look up to, in order to learn what the rest of the country is doing wrong.
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