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Advice Request
Srinivas Thummalapalli
Srinivas Thummalapalli

Srinivas Thummalapalli


Sumantrana Advisory Services Pvt Ltde.,

Thoughts on Education system of our country
Policy of entitlement to policy of outcomes should be the de riguer of any government.
Empower Women; Develop and nurture the potential of child thru systemic pedagogy
Harmonise the syllabi with specific linkages to career options
Develop industry relevant curriculum that hones the skills, traits, disposition and professionalism
Incentivise the industry to co-opt with academia and government for better outcomes
Revitalize the pedagogy with able, motivated, truly passionate professionals in teaching profession across the layers of schooling, college, universities
Encourage investments in education segment; promote PPPs with foundations such as Azim Premzi or HCL or any new age forward thinking institutions of change.
Develop a robust ecosystem of ideation, incubation and entrepreneurship for budding mavericks.
My achievements
I had the opportunity to:
Mentor many a successful seasoned professionals
Build niche, globally acclaimed, pioneering professional services practices
Partner with executive leadership in multicultural environments and enabled their firms to be best employers
Important decision
- Pursued the opportunities as they come by: but with a overall sense of direction in chosen field of management consulting and allied areas
- Taken the step of being a micro entrepreneur and established a boutique advisory services firm
- Heeded to the sage advise of my mentors during my formative stages in immersing myself in the multifaceted environment of leading academic setting; which was indeed the bedrock of my subsequent career progression
Brief description about me
Let me reflect on what am normally complimented with:
- Trusted advisor, avid learner, reflective soul and above all an empathetic human being
Influenced by
Mahatma Gandhi, for the sheer:
- unalloyed integrity that he personifies
- capacity of conviction
- influencer he is in making things happen for the common good of society at large, by leveraging his towering imeccable pristine leadership
Degree that I recommend
Nothing in particular that am aware of; except that of enhancing the breadth of intellect and depth in a chosen area of interest; coupled with strategic thinking and a voracious appetite to cross fertilize the ideas across the spectrum of disciplines....
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Courage of conviction in the chosen cause for the betterment of environment.
Ability to disarmingly communicate to influence.
Realization that one can deliver results only by collaboration
Ability to seek out the best in oneself first even before able to inspire the others to give in their respective best.
Important lesson learned
Be patient: while restive for results
Be a part of solution: while one can pontificate the myriad solutions
Initiative to develop a country
Just deliver the best in whatever field one is to the best of the abilities
Constantly enhance one's own abilities to be the best cognizant of the import of the professionalism and demonstrate in every aspect of our existence irrespective of our roles: be in personal or in corporate environment
My family background
I am blessed with a loving life partner who is the indomitable spirit behind my renewal; had the benefit of upbringing that is predicated on frugality, simplicity and above all sincerity by my parents. My father is a retired LIC officer and mom is the one who has molded us into who we are, including my only sister, who is a budding home maker.
Couple of years from now
Wish to be a CK Prahlad or a Vijay Govindarajan or a Rajat Gupta( yes: whatever he had been, in inspiring, any professional) aka mentor, shaping the minds and hearts of leaders.
My role model
Exuberance of Googlers; Insights of Ram Charan; Spirit of Yunus;
More about myself
Some of the Credos by which I wish to live by:
Life is already complicated; just simplify
Nothing under Sun is new; it's just our ability to rediscover makes life an exhilarating journey
Ensuring success
Read, continue to absorb and attempt to whet my appetite to abstract variety of leading edge developments across multiple disciplines.
Reflect, constantly to adopt and adapt them to better the environment in which my clientele are navigating themselves; only to learn and renew myself...with richer experiences...a mutual journey..though...
My strongest skill
Unalloyed advise in the best interests of the ones who have sought( clientele) or otherwise( fellow professionals or persons in personal life)
Ability to abstract the conceptual nuances and making them actionable as a nugget of commonsense.
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