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Advice Request
Srinivas Katam
Srinivas Katam

Srinivas Katam

Lead Search Marketing Specialist

Gatesix Technologies india pvt ltd


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I belong to middle class agricultural family and grownup in small village in Andhra Pradesh. My father is a farmer. My mother is a house wife. We are 2 brothers & 1 sister. My father was only earning person in my family before my job. Now we overcame from economical crisis.
Degrees That Matter:
Frankly saying no need of any certification but any graduate can come into this field but they have challenging and innovative.
Job Profile:
I am working as a Lead Search Marketing Specialist, where my responsibility include managing and guiding the team, mentoring fresher, preparing technical documentation, customer interaction, guiding team technically and others.
Career Profile:
My responsibility is to provide necessary training support for the team members, work distribution, client interaction, issue resolution, and work on growth plan, Gap analysis, and process improvement. Previously i was working as individual member.
Plans For The Future:
My long term goal is to become a successful entrepreneur. Where I will be in role model for others.
The Decisions That Matter
My earliest job change was my most important career decision that changes my life totally.
Growth Strategy:
If we are friendly with team members then they can do anything, if we are strict at them they won't work properly and they act like working. In this case I gave freedom to my team to work when they want so they can finish the work before the time lines. Thanks to my team for their support.
Required Reading:
Read Online Technology blogs and news websites, google is the best source for all of the queries you have. Keep updating your knowledge, this is what I want to recommend.
Other Thoughts:
I am a hardworking person and I believe that hard work always pays. Besides this I am a cool calm and a very friendly person and this always helps me in adjusting myself to any environment quite easily. I am also a quick learner and I have the ability to handle any situation diplomatically.
The Journey So Far:
I started working in the field of web design from college life and started my career as an Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization specializing in lead generation and web-based sales strategies since 2003. I keep on updating my knowledge.I am also a quick learner.
Role Model:
My role models are Abdul kalam and A.R Rahaman because they are hard workers and down to earth.
Advice For New Professionals:
My suggestion would be to learn from everybody even a tea boy. Speak less and listen more. There is lots of work pressure for professionals nowadays, think positive and don’t stress about the problem look for the solution about the problem. google is always with you for solution.
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