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Advice Request
Srikanth Matrubai
Srikanth Matrubai

Srikanth Matrubai

Financial Advisor

Srikanth Shankar Matrubai

Blogs (9)

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My role model
No Role model as such.

Returns have been my Role Model
As with almost all investors, Warren Buffet inspired in the intial stages of my investment career, but I found his concept of Holding Shares 'FOR EVER' quite unremunerative for middle class and lower income level people.

Numbers and Returns have been role model.
Important lesson learned
Yes. Surely.
In the first Meltdown (1991), I learnt that "Never Invest All your Money at one go, it may be at the peak that you are investing".
In that Meltdown, where I burnt my finger as speculator, I qualified to become myself as an Investor. Lesson Learnt : Invest regularly at periodic intervals.
In the IT Sector Meltdown of 2001, I learnt that "Never Overexposure yourself to One Particular Sector". Lesson Learnt : Do not put all your eggs in 1 Basket.
In the next 2008 meltdown, I have learnt not one but Two Big lesson, First, Book Profits Periodically.
Second, Spread Your Investment across Asset Classes including Debt.

I have taken these losses as tuition fees that I have paid to learn from the Markets.
Important decision
When I first diversified into Advisory, there was sceptism all around. People viewed with suspicion; in fact they were surprised that I was not pitching Insurance but Mutual Funds. I got absolutely ZERO support from my relatives. But I was in love with this profession and was determined. And, I did not want to missell.
Insurance were giving absurd commission of 40% whereas Mutual Funds were giving 2% (some were giving a crazy 5%, but that is another story).
I could have made huge money selling Insurance which people were only willing to buy.
But I stuck to my decision to sell only what is good for Investors. And it paid.
ULIPs got massive negative publicity and the Funds I recommended gave above average returns and people were now more than willing to listen to me.
So, my decision to stick with WHAT IS GOOD FOR INVESTOR IS GOOD FOR ME paid off.
And I still follow the same.
My achievements
1. The US based research firm ETF database ranking my Blog among the Top 50 Buy and Hold Investing Blogs and mine was been ranked at NO.3.

2. Being able to identify the Winner in RELIGARE TAX PLAN, BNP PARIBAS EQUITY FUND, etc which the Experts were not even willing to touch these funds with a barge pole.

3. Delivering a number of Presentations to not just my clients, but also at Public conferences and Workshops.

and most importantly,

Clients treating me as one of their family members and inviting to their family functions. That surely is the icing on the cake.
Degree that I recommend
CFP is a course which should stand you in good course.
But, still ultimately, it is the "Ground Knowlege" more than Book knowledge which will help both you and your investors.
My family background
My family has been in Saree Manufacturing Business since generations. I was the first one to branch out into Financial Advisory Profession.

I was intially looked down upon for venturing into an unknown territory.

I have a beautiful and very understanding wife who has stood by me when the going was really tough.

I have two cute daughters who are like my two eyes.

My father died when I was just 9 years old.

And I had to struggle with my studies (I was not at all good in studies in my school days).

I was put in one of the lowest ranked High School as I was not good at studies.

But, surprise, surprise, I was the first one in the entire family to have a Degree!!

I did my graduation in an Evening College.
My strongest skill
I have always believed that being honest with your client and keeping their interest at the heart of everything will get ensure that your clients become your lifelong friends.

You need to be a partner in their financial journey of success.

And, thus my strongest Professional skill is that I treat client's money with care.

My Strongest point is my Knowledge. I invest a lot on knowledge. I attend every seminar, be it small or big, organised by my Company or my peers or the Organisations I am associated with.

For me, Knowledge is king.

My clients respect me, love me not only because I am handling their Investments but because I am making them Highly Knowledgeable themselves.

I try my level best to make every single client of mine knowledgable about where his money is going.
Initiative to develop a country
Professionals like me should make sure that their clients become self sufficient and achieve all their Financial Goals within their targetted time.
If each client achieves his Goals, the entire Community, Neighbourhood will follow suit.
Professionals like me should educate investors about the benefits of Term Plans, Mutual Funds investments, PPF, and also the pitfalls of investing in ULIPs, Real Estate, Gold.
This will ensure that money is invested in productive assets and goes for Development of City and Country.
More about myself
Equity is the BEST asset class to invest, even better than Real Estate. Spread your investments across assets.
Monthly SIP is the best mode of investment as you don’t have to bother about market timings class but give maximum ratio to Equity.

Do not pursue clients, pursue Knowledge.
Clients will follow.
Brief description about me
I was born and brought up in Bangalore. My immediate forefathers are also from Bangalore. I belong to the SWAKULA SALI community (a branch of Marathi), a miniscule community with a population of about 5000 in Bangalore.

I have always had this passion for Investments. I have been in Stock markets since 1991. I am into Investment Advice for more than 23 years, but I started taking this seriously and as a profession only since 2005. I love seeing the satisfaction on the faces of investors.

I am a self made individual. My family has been in Saree Manufacting Business since generations. I was somehow attracted by numbers since childhood and dabbled in stock markets as soon as I turned major.
Ensuring success
Pay attention to happenings around the Financial World.

I am investing in learning.

Ultimately, I just don't want to give service only but share knowledge and make my investors an "informed investor".

I try to read as much as possible be it articles, jounals, magazines, etc and listen to "Experts" whenever opportunity presents itself.

I follow blogs and social media and also am quite active.

Of course, Motivation has never been an issue as I am in love with this profession.
Couple of years from now
I would like to see that every single investor of mine is highly knowledgeable about Financial Field.

I see myself, as a well recognised "Financial Plan Helper" and am sure that all my investor will treat me as one of their family person.

I would also like to see My Community, Swakula Sali, to be recognised and respected.
Right now, I am recommending BNP Paribas Equity Fund, Motilal Oswal Most Focused 25 fund and Edelweiss Prepaid Sip to my clients and I would like to see my investors earn above average returns on their investments in these funds.
Influenced by
It may sound clinch, but it has been my wife who has influenced me the most.

My intial journey (first couple of years, especially) was full of struggle.

There were days, nay weeks, together where I did not have a single client.

But, I carried on, with just one thing behind me…..’KNOWLEDGE’.

It was my wife who instilled the confidence in me that I could do it as I had one thing which many Agents/Advisors did not have................KNOWLEDGE.

And, she did not let me feel the burden of managing the family with the meagre income we were having at that time.

And, I am extremely thankful to her for keeping me motivated and hiding the pain of keeping the fire in the Kitchen burning.
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