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Advice Request
Sree Harsha Mulpuri
Sree Harsha Mulpuri

Sree Harsha Mulpuri

Test Consultant

Satyam Computers services limited


Sree Harsha Mulpuri is a member of:

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Family of 7, including my elder brothers kids (3 years and 5 months respectively). Dad was an ex-serviceman turned businessman and mom a house wife.

My elder brother is Test Manager in the IT industry. sister-in-law is a home maker by choice. both are engineers.
Points of inflection
Learning & Analysis, gathering & Consolidation of requirements with multiple teams, Building teams for various roles (Automation, Performance QA roles), Have worked with two major clients (Microsoft Corporation & currently operating out of client Location - Google Inc., Mountainview, California, US)
Most Important Decisions
would consider changing location to USA was my most important career decision. 12-16 hours of work daily in India did not yield the right salary or designation improvements in 5 years. My work related decisions making involved cost driven estimations, Technical decisions on requirements.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
R&R would be based on what things you want to do. i would say, the changes i see in my carrer depend on the work culture within a designated place. My two clients Microsoft & Google have absolutely different work clutures. Although my work ethics remain the same, i have to choose carefully on roles
Required Reading
LinkedIn is a good site to start technical discussion on QA, especially if you aim to be a Manager.
Role Model
Inspiration is a very vast confusing word. Would like to know inspiration to what?
@work, @following ethics, @technical discussions, @making money, @formula 1, @cricket, @corruption, in politics,
There cant be a single person who inspires in all areas. if you want me to name one, i guess my DAD.
A Fine Balance:
Work stays @ work, no matter what. if one cant complete his work in an 8 hour window, then he needs to improve him/her self. Again 2 modes:
1. single individual
2. Married

Wrong notion, most singles tend to over do their time and compare time=efficiency. Not correct. finish your work in given time.
Parting thoughts
Am currently looking for a change in roles. Aiming for a vice-President operations r&r. I guess this would a challenge for your team to create my profile suitable for this. Well, the challenge part was a joke, rest assured i am on my way for landing the right job.
Plans for the Future
My previous answer did mention that. but i would like to franchise / brand myself greater than what i am today.

Excluding my work, i am also Team-Manager, Operations for a cricket team in Southern bay, california. my second love for the game. Soccer being my first.
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