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Advice Request
Somasekhar Dacharla
Somasekhar Dacharla

Somasekhar Dacharla

Engg in electrical

educational institution

Being different
don't bi-hart any thing ,learn with vission and mission ,means every thing must be meaning full.
My role model
my role model is Narendra modi garu ,fight to save poor people.
My achievement
be good ,do good that helps always help full to us at any critical times.
Making job easier
with friends only,in my opinion friends will scarifies when we are trouble but not relatives.
My strongest Skill
logical thinking and mathematical solutions.
Goals and Ambitions
earn money ,start business and help to poor people by enter into politics
Managing professional as well as personal life
both are too different ,why because i am in teaching profession ,at that time i ll be professional and strictly,but coming to my personal life i am very very friendly and jovial.
Family Background
why not ,i always remember my family back ground ,i learnt every thing from my family only .i mean i am interested in hard working, patiently and trouble shouting these are all came from my family back ground only.
Company and job profile
my self somasekhar ,working as assistant professor.
Books recommended
the people who sacrificed their life to do some thing to others ,means poor peoples.
Current Trends
field is OK but coming to the earning it is some what difficult,may be i will change this field also.
Challenges faced in job
i mean we will wait till we are getting job ,that is we will wait some time until we are getting job why because it will take some tine may one year also ,so we will wait with patience.
My advice
no one to say ,but every one do their own interests not with pressure,and at starting only will select which one we want later it is very difficult to change your mind and time waste also.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
every one having so much of talent but it dependent on the usage of of our knowledge and also it is dependent on their educational back ground ,now a days studies are in very bad position ,they did not learn any practical knowledge only theoretical. i mean some institutions only concentrate on theoretical not in practical,to over come this type of problem we will concentrate on theoretical including practical then only it is possible to over come the question "we don't make a single tech product in our country".
My important career decision
be good , do good , work hard and not only work hard ,work with effective thinking and those can raise our moral values.that we will do any thing with vision and mission.
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