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Advice Request
Shweta Srivastava
Shweta Srivastava

Shweta Srivastava


CVsIntellect - The Resume Specialists


Shweta Srivastava is a member of:

- Expert
My Role
As a co-founder of CVsIntellect – The Resume Specialists, my role primarily is spearheading the overall business including planning, research & implementation. Further, it comprises of functions encompassing roadmap & strategic initiatives; marketing; user acquisition; & customer development.
Uniqueness of Company
We do everything that a new venture does to succeed. However, we believe that it is our novel approach to things that makes us different. Some of our major strengths lie in:

  • Our small yet multifaceted global team which is highly talented, experienced and has extensive knowledge of the industry and sectors they work in.

  • The technology we used to develop our current product & the ones we plan to use in the times to come are scalable, secure, & state-of-art. Moreover, they are not usually being used for solutions like ours.

  • We envisioned solving the universal problem of resume building & thereby creating value in the job search process. We value our long term goal of empowering job-seekers with effective resumes, instead of focusing on immediate profits for ourselves.

  • Our belief in community sharing - Most of our code is made open source, so that others can make use of our learnings while attempting to solve their problems.
Career Expectation
In the next couple of years, I definitely see myself associated with this organization that aims at revolutionizing the way career management software & solution are made. We will out think & out do our competition, & thus be tremendously successful & popular.
Outlook on consistent leadership performance
Setting, chasing & achieving ambitious milestones helps a leader perform consistently. To be a high achiever we need to continuously challenge ourselves, come out of our comfort zones & stretch our potentials.
Way to motivating troops
'Opportunity to learn' anything new is most important to me. I am a big fan of ‘participative style of management’ – I believe that it is important for leaders to inculcate an organization culture wherein team is heard of & their opinions matter – this helps them take decisions, be responsible for their actions & be more satisfied.
Merits of a Good Leader
A good leader has the following traits:

  • Leads by example

  • People’s person - who knows importance of their people.

  • Ability to take data-driven decisions.
My way to grow as a leader
In my 10 year old career, the opportunity to lead came almost at the very beginning. It all started with a 2 member team – which grew to 4 & later to 25 & more. Further, setting up financial, marketing, operational plans for the business unit in consultation with the top-management was my responsibility. I was given full freedom to take my own decisions which helped me start & built-up practices & sub-units successfully within the organization. Now, in this role I learnt to acquire customers, co-ordinate between global teams, understand cultural diversities & mastering the art of getting things done the planned way. Moving forward, I need to get deeper into the raising & managing funds.
Way of connecting dots
I am a firm believer of the fact that 'Data speaks'. I try to base all my decisions on facts & information. In cases, where empirical decisions cannot be taken I take suggestions from experts & decide.
Essencial keys of leadership

  1. Confidence

  2. Commitment

  3. Focus

  4. Innovativeness

  5. Ability to dare

  6. Optimism
We are just 2 months old in the market & have 5,000+ users with more than 90% satisfaction levels.  We even went viral on ycombinator few days back.
Success after Adversity
When my techie friend & business partner envisaged the idea of CVsIntellect & we decided to give it a shape – the biggest challenge we faced was the fact that we live in different parts of the world. We still decided to go ahead as we believed firmly that our idea had a lot of potential. The 4 member team that was finally formed, made us more spread out both in terms of geographies & capabilities. We leveraged the benefits associated with different geographies, skills, age & gender – making us a balanced team.
Advice for entrepreneurs
I think the following might be useful:

  • "Stop talking about it … get on with it. Because if you don't, in a year's time you will see someone else doing it” - Dominic McVey

  • In the old world, you devoted 30% of your time to building a great service and 70% of your time to shouting about it. In the new world, that inverts” – Jeff Bezos.
Inspired personality

  • Right from my school days, Swami Vivekananda inspired me to be focused & perseverant in whatever I decide to do. Some of his teachings that inspired me the most are:

  • "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success”

  • "Do not be afraid of a small beginning, great things come afterwards. Be courageous"

  •  "Stand up and work!"
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