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Shikha Bhangadia
Shikha Bhangadia

Shikha Bhangadia

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Relationship with HR and Top Management
The relationship between CEO and HR managers is often troubled at best. However,much of this friction can be simply avoided if the HR Manager understands the needs of a CEO and the ideology behind their thinking and actions.
What can HR do to build a strategic relationship:-
If HR Managers enable CEO to experience the value they provide to the business by understanding the challenges CEO’s have and assisting them to deal with them more effectively, they have the foundation to building a successful partnership with the CEO.
The HR Manager must endeavour to show CEOs the financial leverage of HR activity and how they can save or produce more dollars for them. By relating HR activities back to economics, the CEO will better understand and appreciate their role.
HR Challenges:
The challenges facing human resource are complex but the major challenges are diseases and the aids epidemic, democratization and liberation of developing countries, poor education systems, change management and leadership development.
Recommended Reading
Magazines - Human Capital , Human factor
website –
Pain Points:
Hiring the right talent and controlling the ever-increasing attrition rate.
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
Particular emphasis is placed upon the concepts of leadership levels, the demands of each level, and capacity to meet those demands. Each is discussed in terms of competencies and results required of each leadership level. Because leadership is multilevel, different leadership characteristics are needed in order to successfully perform at each level , hence three leadership characteristics are identified for each leadership level: competency levels, competency scope of impact, and leadership results. The intensity and impact dimensions of competencies are introduced, and their assessment is explored.
Improving Education system
The general education system is focused only on examinations rather than training students for the future and really testing their knowledge. Because of this, students are forced to take tests that show only their retention powers, not their actual capacity or knowledge.Those regulating and those making policies are equally responsible. If the system has deteriorated to this level where learning has been substituted by a race to clear an examination, regulators and policymakers are to blame for not acting on time to correct this anomaly. It’s also not enough to have rules and regulations, it is important how they are implemented. Government bodies are not controlling institutions. That should become a priority.
Best way to deal this is through public-private partnership. It has succeeded in many sectors, so why not in education? The private sector can develop the institutions and provide infrastructure and the government can build the curriculum and run them.
Current HR Trends:
1. Talent Acquisition +Talent Mobility = Talent success
. Talent acquisition will start to be tightly woven with talent mobility helping companies to solve problems in a more integrated way. Some forward-thinking companies have already started to do this.
2. Analytics become the HR director’s strategic weapon
With company budgets tightening, it will become increasingly important for HR directors to use talent analytics to become more strategic and of greater value to the Board. Using talent analytics for example, allows companies to predict future leadership potential and its capabilities span both recruitment and talent mobility.
3. The rise of social media-Today,companies will need to ensure that their employer brand and social media strategy are integrated and defined, especially so that the right types of candidates are being attracted.
4. The need for diversity -The last major trend is the growing need for diversity in talent pools not just along gender lines but also age.
Helping to develop the country
By adopting proper Income tax policy
Income tax policy of India should be little more lenient & must not put extra pressure on the citizens. A good income tax policy can encourage the people to pay the taxes & refrain from tax evasion which in turn would put a check on black money which is one of the biggest hindrances in the progress of India.
By putting a check on election expenses In India thousands of crores of rupees are spent by candidates in the national & state elections which badly affects the economy of the country The same money can be utilized to develop the country.
By promoting harmony & universal brotherhood India is a multi religions country. So, there is need to promote the feeling of harmony & universal brotherhood among the people if India wants to become a developed country.
Lastly NGOS or Social organizations to be set up in our country in every city, town, village to cater to needs of people in all respects by eminent people.
Recruiting new generation:
Recruitment – Different avenues include - Portals , existing databank , headhunting and of late social networking sites..
Retention –
Ambitious people can be simply retained by showing them the career path in the organisation..People who are ambitious are generally highly charged up and self motivated to achieve big within the co as they know , the main reason they are working is for growth.
Not everyone but yes some are really ambitious.
Attract good people, Retain Better Performers and Advance the Best:
Money they can earn , career path , how they can move up the ladder in a company..Long term incentive plan plays an effective role when it comes to retaining the best talent.
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
Stability is the key...How many jobs a person has changed speaks volume about the candidate personality and also shows how serious he is when it comes to building his career..
Confidence and convincing power..
Excellent communication skills.
Basic Attitude.
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