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Advice Request
Sentthilkumar N
Sentthilkumar N

Sentthilkumar N

Director - Global Sales

TaskBench Inc


Sentthilkumar N is a member of:

My advice to upcoming professionals
Think beyond traditional sales approach from the point of Leadership perspective
Innovation & Uniqueness are two key points which sells.
Education system in India
Education is effective theoretically. There must be international standards of practical education system to be employed in every school in India so that ensures to create total quality individuals from school level.
Importance of brand image
Beyond questions brand plays a vital role, It eases the early job of a sales person, but still you need a sales person to sell.
Handling new territory
It’s tough without doubt, but we need to have multiple plans to hit new markets based on thorough market research.
Effect of sales on an organization
Sales is the oxygen for any organization. However best your product or service may be end of the day you should be able to sell.
What achievements are you really proud off , in your corporate journey?
Thinking from Leadership angle and People says Leaders lead.
Essential qualification required
•Basic Marketing Degree - "Born to Win" Attitude.
•Smart & Patience.
•Quick witted and good knowledge on the product / Service based on the vertical.
Upcoming Trends
Sales on the Cloud .
Motivating team members
Losing is not a sales attitude. My team is toughly trained to stand before a speeding truck firmly. Sales people are hard and tough people who think only numbers and growth. My motivation to my team is my availability and support all the time and to clear all kinds of road blocks they may face. Building a strong relation with your associates is of prime importance in Sales.
Essential skills
Be Sober, Be Vigilant and when there is an opportunity pounce on it at the pace of a leopard. Remember one thing there is nothing called tomorrow in Sales. It’s now or never.
Comparing Online sales with hardcore sales
Online Sales is an air cover and can help in some percentage of Lead Generation. Till date traditional sales always had upper hand, but with the origin and success of social media, over the coming years it’s expected to have a sizable shift in percentages and Online sales is budding.
My family background
My family comprises of 5 members my parents myself/wife & My lovable daughter Ms.Tanisha Choudry. I am the Only son. my father is 68 years old he was Ex-Indian Overseas Bank - Employee. My mother is a house wife she spend her whole life for me and make great value for us.
Developing a country
If everyone do their job perfectly that is itself a huge contribution to the GDP. Also they should possess some kind of give back approach to the society
Becoming good marketing professionals
Its Vice-versa, a good marketing professional can always become a sales professional. Sales person only thinks numbers and achieves them. Marketing is a support function of sales which provides the air cover for sales to happen.
Current Job description
I Head the Indian Sales for GlobalOutlook and work across the different parts of country to ensure we achieve our Goals. We operate in a channel partner model in a fiercely competed market space in India.
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