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Satyendra Pandey
Satyendra Pandey

Satyendra Pandey

Head Marketing



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Differentiate Strategies in place with your Competitors
Know what competition do & just dont follow them randomly (Dont hate them too). Customer centric Innovation in the product & strong customer support. You have to create a road map for innovation on user experience & functionality. Customer support should always come from heart & not just a process. Customer service should be well guarded by the leadership. Be reasonable in your pricing.

Unique strategies that gone unseen or a superhit.
Be human (Internal & External Communication)! Process, automation, checklist, systems etc, are good to eliminate error & human dependency. However always remember it is group of people who are doing business. Therefore, just offer everything with human touch, be it Product (Funny pop ups), Emails (Add some reference), Support (Address with name etc.), Sales (Customize to the need), Advertisements (Humans) & Most important - hiring (Be nice to people who dont make it)! In short stay humble!
Positioning products in market
This is would be my personal position statement Offering you just what you want, the more is from company to keep your life easy & offered by bunch of passionate friendly responsible citizens
Brand Identity creation
First define your brand (the purpose we are in the market) example define the need of the customer & see what you offer (more or less). Your employees should know & speak up same language (hence train them well). All communication should have consistency. There are so many other factors, however this to create the basic brand identity. Brand Image, Character, culture, soul & personality are other fine details, however it comes much later.
Opportunities for Business in 2012- the ways to take advantage of them
Reading FDI intelligence report, our domestic demand for IT is to surpass US $ 90 billion in next decade. Now thats huge! Hence we would need more computers, software, & other IT services. Online business and cloud based software has seen spectacular growth. SME & start-ups look the best!
Todays Marketing Trend
Gone are the days when we pushed messages to prospects. It is a two way conversation, which is challenging and keeps you on the edge of the seat. Today, we have better informed customers. We have moved on from USP listing to product literature mode. Example, if you choose to buy a camera there are enough information / ratings available with comparisons. Social media has made organization more human than faceless. Today customers want to try first and then use your product or service. There are lot of free trials offered that a new trend!.

Biggest pain point
Though we are moving forward, the sales & marketing efforts have become more genuine. Change is hard to fight!
Matrix to Long sale cycle and multiple Buyers at same time
Not sure if I understand you correctly. For a long sales cycle we designed a C-Sat (a typical customer satisfaction survey with metrics such as complaints, experience etc.)

Accurate model of customers buying process

Yes, we do!
Relationship of Marketers with the CEOs
This is an interesting questions. While sales directly effects top line and marketing involves expense hence the bottom line therefore, CEO work very closely with CMOs. Also marketing stands for communication internally and externally, it displays the image of the company, therefore CEO watch the marketers very closely. Hence it is a more exposed relationship! The difficult times are explaining budget & expenses. Most CEOs understand how strategic marketing is! As long as there are enough transparent campaigns the relationship is smooth. Every marketer should strive to have excellent relationship. One should understand CEOs limitations and vice-versa.

From a customer point of view Purchasing of a product Is
From a customer point of view Purchasing of a product Is
In ascending order 1) Features 2) Price 3) Scalability 4) Support 5) Package 6) Recommendation
Thoughts on Social Media Monitoring Tools
Most platform offer enough information. However tools such as Sysomos offers better insights. You see newer ways the dashboard are displayed in FB page, sometimes you get over engineered metrics, but thats okay! Nevertheless they are getting smarter.

Past, present and future of Marketing for marketing experts
Where you communicate is as important as how & what you communicate!! Keep it simple You want to impress your customer with features & support, not with fancy language!
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