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Advice Request
Sat Chander Sharma
Sat Chander Sharma

Sat Chander Sharma


private sector bank

Important Career Decision
I am postgraduate in physics and after serving as research assistant in NHPC i opted for job in finance sector where I had additional interest
Outlook about option to start career again
I am retiring in two years time and will start second innings of carrieer and certainly will not rest. My interests are in journalism or any other related job
Way to ensure growth
regular studies for update of knowledge
Recommending References
Newspapers:- Times of India,Economic Times , Tribune and a local paper
Magzines:- Outlook money, The week ,India today, health and money today
Essential qualities
creative, managerial skill and positive attitude
Challenges in profession
Red tape ism, lethargic nature ,too many formalities, bad FDI/FII and economic policy and subsidies due to political and social compulsions
Current Job & Role
At present I am working as chief manager in a private sector bank having pan India presence.I am presently posted in controlling office of a zone of the bank and enjoying supervisory duties.
Family Background
Father (late) retired government officer,mother housewife ,sisters highly qualified retired from high posts and brothers legal practitioner elder d,
Wife house wife ,elder daughter asstt system engineer in TCS and younger daughter in studies
Career Expectation
As a young man of sixty working some where after retirement.
Advice for followers
work sincerely,industrially and loyaly
Journey in corporate world
it is 32 years of sincere and hardworking contribution to my employers
Outlook about India as A developed country
working honestly, sincerely with a mission to develop the country
New trends in domain
despite age I, keeping myself update with latest technologies
Changes in My Profession
when i joined most decisions were based on logic and ones understanding.Now due to technologies every thing come ready made and one do not have to strain and put pressure on brain
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