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Sarit Prajna Sahu
Sarit Prajna Sahu

Sarit Prajna Sahu

Full Time MBA Student at Warwick Business School with majors in Marketing and Strategy


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Growth Strategy:
One thing I have come to understand over the years that happiness can be found within and not outside which Indian mythology always preached the same but it took me all these years to realise it and make it a practice. How can I relate this to growth? When a person is happy or peaceful, one tends to behave more rationally and patiently by listening to and understanding all perspectives and not take just one stance. I continue to learn more and more from visionary leaders like Kiran Bedi who have to speak about presiding societal issues and try understanding it in a holistic manner. Being connected is very much important to be a leader I would say. This is the biggest difference between Indian politicians and ministers in developed economies. When I being connected, I meant Active and not passive. Active connection can be achieved through social entrepreneurship and being a woman I already have higher emotional intelligence to listen to problems and look for "Real" solutions.
Job Profile:
Before joining the full time MBA course at Warwick Business School, UK, I was a System Analyst with Accenture, Bangalore. With an experience of more than 6 years in the IT industry. I believe in innovation and entrepreneurship and wish to take up Product Management or Marketing Manager role post MBA. My area of interest currently is in Data Analytics and Consumer psychology which can aid marketing managers to understand the trends in a predictable manner to make intelligent decision.
Plans For The Future:
I see myself as an Entrepreneur who does not only focus on Cash flow and profits of my company but also the overall benefit that my company is providing to a group of people if not the entire society. I feel that while manufacturing industry may revive its beauty, the boom of Agriculture sector can create the real difference.
Thus, I would want to see myself engaged in promoting this sector to bring about positive reform for the betterment of our farmers and make it a profitable business sector.
Done Differently:
In one plain statement if given a chance to start my career all over again, I would buy a piece of land and get myself into the agriculture sector as farming is in my grass root.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Getting an opportunity to pitch my business idea to the investors from Silicon Valley in the MBA World Trophy Competition.
Family Background
I am originally from Odisha. Being the only child in my family, I grew up taking more responsibilities to become a self-dependent person. My father is a Mathematics Professor and mother is a housewife.
I am married to Pradipta Kishore Sahoo, who is a Aerospace Design Engineer at Airbus. I have two sisters in law and a brother in law working in various industries ranging from automotive, journalism and textile. We are currently living in Bangalore.
Degrees That Matter:
Certified Product Management and Project Management Professional
Professional Strengths:
Leadership and Analytical skills.
The Decisions That Matter
Being a married women and around 6 years of experience in the IT industry, I would have ideally thought of continuing on the same track. But I decided to change my track towards Management and went ahead with this MBA course. I wanted to create more value and make a difference at my workplace.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Truly speaking, the professional environment hasn't probably changed much but I as a person have changed my perspectives to look at things differently. The problems that appeared to me unsolvable or complicated during the initial years of my career are now appearing to me more political and can be handled diplomatically without really dissatisfying any particular individual. This shift in thinking happened when I left Infosys and joined Accenture. Also, during my MBA, I understood that workplaces are full of power and politics and needs to be tackled more patiently than expected. Interestingly, the same applies at home as well.
Other Thoughts:
I am inclined towards welfare of animals especially stray animals.
Advice For New Professionals:
Professionalism is good but it can be made great if you have a satisfied personal life.
Required Reading:
Competitive Advantage by Michael Porter, Innovator's Dilemma by Chris M Christensen, Flock and Flow by McCracken, Predictive Analytics by Eric Siegel, Jeffery Archer's Kane and Abel series, Not a Penny More Not a Penny Less, Dan Brown's Angels and Demons and Da Vinci Code, Amish Tripathy's The Shiva Triology are some of my suggestions. Some of the websites of my choice include the blog site by Guy Kawasaki, IBM Smarter Planet Blogs etc.
Career Profile:
Currently I am pursuing my MBA, thus I am yet to describe my responsibilities. But it will be clearly different from my previous profile. My previous profile was more technical and post MBA it will be managerial. While I got the perspective of a technical person before MBA, post MBA I would be able to leverage that experience to bridge the gap between the technical and management teams.
The Journey So Far:
As far as improvement in my career is concerned it kept on happening smoothly, but I have had big highs and lows psychologically. Corporate world is not an easy world of anyone but gets much more challenging for a woman. Not because there is a lack of diversity at workplace or HRs do not listen to concerns but because there is a fundamental difference in the mindset of each individual towards a woman employees and somewhere at one corner of their minds, they find woman as unequal. This is the struggle which a woman has to fight everyday at workplace which one take as a challenge and enjoy the pride or surrender and keep cribbing. So, I would say that my journey started with cribbing about issues to being the in-charge for whatever is to happen in my career.
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