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Advice Request
Sara Pavan Sharma
Sara Pavan Sharma

Sara Pavan Sharma

job searching

German remediesremediesremedies

Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Gole,strenth&confidace to became a successful tacking power....
Influenced by
Who are guide right ways to me thouse persons are influenced in my life
Ensuring success
I am doing marketing job.with in 2 years i will reach my gole.
My achievements
My stamina and confidance
Initiative to develop a country
Medical feaild .
My strongest skill
Interacting with people.communications and upgrading about market.
Couple of years from now
Owner for any company.
Important lesson learned
Don't cheat any one .if you cheat any one than your became a cheater.
Brief description about me
Me pavan kumar,from hyderabad,i complet my Graduation in vcprc,i am cool and very energy in work,i am a hard worker.
My role model
from Society it self i learned.depending up on problem i learned.
My family background
My father is business man and my mother is house wife.i have one younger sister she is studying.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Don't stress to students.give easy method to study and easy to learned.avoid mobile to students.
More about myself
I am not getting why your asking this question.
Important decision
Live let live others.
Degree that I recommend
As you wish.
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