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Advice Request
Sangeeta J Bhowmick
Sangeeta J Bhowmick

Sangeeta J Bhowmick

Head CSD MTS Gujarat

MTS India Gujarat ( Systema Shyam)


Sangeeta J Bhowmick is a member of:

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I am from a defence Back Ground. My father was in AF and my entire education was in AF school followed by the Kendriya Vidhyalaya Jamnagar. We are Bengoli but I am born and bought up at Jamnagar
Advice For New Professionals:
They must first decide what they want to do. There are end number of help available now across the industry and net. We were not blessed so. We took what ever we could get. The planning is must at this point before a start
Working Life Management:
Perfectly. I reach office dot at 8.30 and leave by 5pm. Peopel use to make lot of noise about it initially but my performance stoped all those gossips. At the end of the day any Organsation is bother about your output. Rest is our own fear.
The Decisions That Matter
Selecting Black Belt position, the six sigma way. I have never compromised on my principals and never bother about future. Alwasy act on the present need of my team and my organisation. Team has alwasy been my strength and my priority. You cannot be a good manager if you are not a human being.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Becoming a Certified Black Belt and completing 19 BB projects helping Idea Gujarat to touch new sky hights and my team.
Required Reading:
Book , May life, Many Masters and one must read all the relevent business magazins as per their professional. One also must go to net once in a day and read a customer issue or case study.
Plans For The Future:
A COO of a Service industry if Government take sensible decision or an Entreprunuer
Role Model:
Arul Bright, COO of Idea Gujarat and Himanshu Kapania, Director if Idea. One thing in common in Both is they are first great Human being and then successful leaders. Actually the latter part is effortless for both of them.
Done Differently:
Planning and Team management. I have graduated better now
Career Profile:
I head the Service for a State for a Telecom Operator. The previous one was also same but there was no Marketing part into it and had more of Asians to handle. Now I deal with Russians
Job Profile:
Customer Service Head, handling the entire life cycle management. I am the handling the entire Service managment of the cirlce
Other Thoughts:
I wish to work once in some of the other countries and know how life is different there
The Journey So Far:
It was not easy. Being a woman in a senior leadership team, it is made difficult most of the times. Success are related to lot of things other than work but as have a strong character background people could not harm me but at the same time go lot of respect from peer and team down the line.
Degrees That Matter:
AT this point I don't see anything but yes if I would have done MBA from a premeium institure, it would have helped
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