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Advice Request
Sandeep Kumar Verma
Sandeep Kumar Verma

Sandeep Kumar Verma


e soft

My role model
my father is my role model.he was very postive people ..
My strongest skill
my srtongest skills are html,html5 ,css ,php,and wordpress.witch is sunported me a lot
Couple of years from now
i was starting my carrier as a software trainy ...and i dont know anything about industry..but now a day i m growing as a developer and this tim i feel more confident and lot of skills..
Brief description about me
myself sandeep kumar verma from lucknow.i m a software engg.this time i m working as a software developer in e-soft lucknow.i hve lot of skills abt php html 5 wordprss as well as java script.i m always looking for new technology.
Important lesson learned
yaa i was very avg student but i hve never lost my confidence and having positive attitude.i m always communicate with people who has great knowledge..thats the key of my life which is supported me for making as a perfect person.if u hve confidence and positivity then god always helps u.....
Initiative to develop a country
my thought is that we trust myself. I think the people of India must look below the private sector work..which is so helpful development of india.
Degree that I recommend
ya i have degree in as well as certificate of php.
My achievements
My All Achievements are yet. Proud but if I do, when I will open my own company and so many persons that I'll get a job.
Ensuring success
i m always trying to learn new technics and new my industry...and always trust on practical knowledge.wich is supported me for growing up ....
Thoughts on Education system of our country
educationquality of india isn so worst..there is a lot of problems of this system..corruption is d main part of worst education system.government never tried to do anything new for better qualtiy of education system.....i just suggest to indian education iss that olease concentrate on practical knowledge........
My family background
my family belongs to middle class..and all the family members appreciate to eachother ....thats the reason my family live very happy.........
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Having a great idea, and assembling a team to bring that concept to life is the first step in creating a successful business venture.
some key qualities that every good leader should possess, and learn to emphasize.
Honesty,Ability to Delegate,Communication,Sense of Humor,Confidence,Commitment,Positive Attitude,Creativity,Ability to Inspire,Intuition.these are the qualities should hve be a succesful leader.
Influenced by
my father is always fathing me
More about myself
i m always flying in the sky ........
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