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Advice Request
Sachin Kumar
Sachin Kumar

Sachin Kumar

Project Manager – Testing



Sachin Kumar is a member of:

- Expert
The Journey: Early Days to How I Got Here
Well, I started my career in the Year 2000 as a Software Engineer for a Product Company and mainly involved in implementing, doing Beta Testing with customer and training the customer on product usage. The job involved travelling to different part of India. I learnt a lot during that period which laid a solid foundation for my future. Since then I have transitioned to various companies and worked as Software Developer, tester and Business analyst decided to finally settle my career in Software Testing While I was working I kept on enhancing my Testing Skills by reading Software Engineering Books, Online Technical Content, Industry Trends and parallel doing testing certification.

I believe in continuous learning and does not limit myself to day to day work but also explore and learn new tools. In the Year 2008, when I was in US I decided to write my testing experience, challenges that we face and way to overcome those challenges and share the same to the testing community with my blog. I always do my work with intent and the end result is also fruitful and best. I did my work sincerely and honestly with all the Organization and keep my skills in pace with changing industry trends and trust me that really paid me back.
Decisions That Mattered
•    Joining Corbus in Year 2005 and Year 2007
•    Doing Testing and Project Management Certification
•    Writing my experience in the form of blog for fellow QA members

The Turning Points
The inflection points in my career are the various roles and domains which I had worked on. I have worked on almost all the aspect of Software Development Cycle as Developer, BA, Test Engineer, and Manager.
Work and Role: Then and Now
In the previous job, my area was limited to Automation Testing and Providing Solutions. While in my current job I am working on developing and selling Testing Competency. I am working on developing Testing Service Line, making testing proposal, enhancing team skills, setting test labs, imparting training. The current job is not only limited to Automation but on all the aspects of Testing - Functional, Automation, Performance, Accessibility, Mobility and Security etc. I love my current role, as I have the responsibility for selling my services and providing a WOW experience to our customers.

What I learnt along the way
•    Do your SWOT and work on your weakness and threats- this is very very important for your overall growth
•    Always do your work with intent
•    Be honest and sincere in your work
•    Balance your Personal and Professional Life - I know its tough but you have to do it
•    Always keep in pace with changing trends - read books, online articles, subscribe to the tech newsletter
Two Years Down the Line
In a couple of years I would like to grow the Testing Service of my current company and create ample opportunity for people in the area of testing.
Changing Days: Lessons Learnt
As of now, I am not travelling much while initial days were very movable but I really enjoyed those days and trip to various parts of India. Today I have more responsibility in terms of growing business while initial days were more dedicated towards customer services and satisfying them with implementation and training. Initial years were not so advance in terms of communication and technology, while today you can produce more in less time.
Trends to Watch Out For
The Latest Trend which I am seeing is the Mobility, Social Media and Business Analytics. My prospective of watching these spaces is to think from the Testing prospective. How we can test applications, websites which are going mobile or having Social Site integration (Facebook Apps) so that the end user can have a wonderful experience. Even from the career prospective, these trends will help in generating testing business.
My Advice If You are Starting Out
Read a Software Engineering Book followed by Software Testing Book
Then Join a Good Testing Institute which will sharpen your Testing Knowledge and assist you in doing certification like ISTQB Foundation.
Spend your idle time in doing Adhoc Testing on various website - best way to get into Testing.
Keep documenting your learnings - one of the best ways to remember or re-visit the things.
First try to do anything on your own and learn as thing get unfold - you will really enjoy this piece.

My Advice If You are Starting Out
Read a Software Engineering Book followed by Software Testing Book
Then Join a Good Testing Institute which will sharpen your Testing Knowledge and assist you in doing certification like ISTQB Foundation.
Spend your idle time in doing Adhoc Testing on various website - best way to get into Testing.
Keep documenting your learnings - one of the best ways to remember or re-visit the things.
First try to do anything on your own and learn as thing get unfold - you will really enjoy this piece.

Areas of Specialization
Focus on:
•    Application Testing on Mobile Devices
•    Business Analytics
•    Integration Testing with Social Media Sites
•    Programming Skills - any one

Do We Need Certifications?
Certification really helps individuals not only in career progression but also from the knowledge prospective. Your knowledge gets channelized when you start your preparation for certification. For leaders, I strongly recommend PMP, CSTE & Technical certification on Automation, Performance, and Security.
Books/ Websites I Recommend
Book: Effective Methods for Software Testing: By William E


Last But Not Least
Read Software Engineering Books, Subscribe to Tech newsletter, join Testing forums: document your learnings, experience, best practices and do your work honestly, sincerely and always with an intent. And At the end of day ask yourself "Am I satisfied with the work that I have done?"

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