
Kishor Dhamdhere

Kishor Dhamdhere
Business Development Manager ...

Kishor Dhamdhere ’s experience

Sr HR Expecutive   at   Peoplefy , Pune
This is totally IT recruitment and staffing company. Here I am
involved in screening the resumes of candidates on following
jobsites. I am also involved in calling candidates explaing them
about the job convincing for the job and also inform candidates
about the client and I am also involved in client meeting,
business development. I am looking at the skillsets,
educational qualification, and location of the candidate so as to
source him for particular position. I am sourcing the candidate
as per the job requirement and specification. I was involved in
catering for pharma, engineering and It recruitment.

Kishor Dhamdhere ’s education

B.A. [BA],
C T Bora College Shirur, Pune [2000/April] , Shirur

Kishor Dhamdhere ’s additional information

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