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Advice Request
Roshni Menon
Roshni Menon

Roshni Menon

HR professional

MapleCode Consulting Pvt Ltd

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I am the eldest in the family. Have two siblings,sister who is pursuing her graduation and brother who is in 10th. Dad is a retired civil engineer and mom a senior accountant in Government Treasury.Live in Thrissur, Kerala.
Done Differently:
Would have continued with my first company for one year and then joined for my PG
Role Model:
My role model is my mother and Paulo Coelho. My mother is a very independent and strong woman who has taught me all the hard lessons in life. She is my best critic. As for Paulo Coelho, he is my favorite author. His book, The Alchemist was an eye opener for me which made me go behind my dreams
Plans For The Future:
Into training and development and on starting my own organization, Eagle Corp Pvt Ltd.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
The professional environment hasnt changed much except my view on that has changed. the culture of a small company v/s the work culture of an MNC is largely different. Also the work culture of an Indian MNC and International MNC is different.I had the opportunity to work with all these.
Growth Strategy:
Learning all that is to learn in the field of HR.
Advice For New Professionals:
Learn what you can before you get into the corporate,else you are doomed to failure. In corporates there is no one to correct your mistakes or help you.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Being the Runner Up as the best student of St. Marys College during my graduation. Getting my first job after graduation in Getting to interview the vice president of Microsoft XBox.
Working Life Management:
It is not easy but it isn't difficult either. You need to keep work matters at the office and personal matters at home without having to clash them both. this is the only key for a successful work life balance
Required Reading:
All books by Robin Sharma, the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho,Linchpin by Seth Gordon.
Degrees That Matter:
HR certification
The Decisions That Matter
Joining at the same domain I am specializing in.
Other Thoughts:
Career Profile:
My current role as an associate recruiter in functional hiring is directly related to the specialization i am focusing in which is HR. This is totally different from the role I had previously that of a catalog Associate in Amazon where I dealt with only products.
Job Profile:
I am a trainee associate in MapleCode as part of my internship during my MBA. I work for the functional hiring team which is totally into recruitment of mid level and senior level people at non it functions.
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