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Advice Request
Rohit Janardhan Vaidya
Rohit Janardhan Vaidya

Rohit Janardhan Vaidya

.Net Programmer

Persistent System Lts


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Important decision
When I was working in Mastek (Pune) I had an opportunity to grab my first onsite chance at Preston (UK) but at the same time I got call from Persistent System. I saw an opportunity to work at my hometown with a brand name and decided to join Persistent Nagpur. At that time I was thinking that I missed onsite opportunity but now I feel that my decision was fine. I am satisfied by working at my hometown than person working onsite. Its really a pleasure to work with techi people at persistent. These people added lot of knowledge to my technical skill. Here I learnt how to communicate with client.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
The really critical aspect of Indian public education system is its low quality. The actual quantity of schooling that children experience and the quality of teaching they receive are extremely insufficient in government schools. A common feature in all government schools is the poor quality of education, with weak infrastructure and inadequate pedagogic attention.The private school can use the resources during the first half of the day
Certain policy measures need to be taken by the government. The basic thrust of government education spending today must surely be to ensure that all children have access to government schools and to raise the quality of education in those schools. One of the ways in which the problem of poor quality of education can be tackled is through common schooling. This essentially means sharing of resources between private and public schools. Shift system is one of the ways through which common schooling can be achieved.
My strongest skill
My basic c# programming and OOPS concepts are my key skills. If you are clear with basics in programming you can do anything which is achievable using programming. A good team player and co-operativeness.
Ensuring success
Keep learning new things, always talk with people about latest technology, be updated about technical skills 881984 your business and keep attention where the world is moving.
Brief description about me
Having experience more than 6 years in IT industry as an application programmer. Worked on various windows and web applications in dot net with c#. Currently working as a Module Lead at Persistent System Ltd. Studied B.E. in Computer Technology branch at Y.C.C.E Nagpur 2007 Batch.
I am a happy go lucky person. Always have positive attitude towards life and work.My hobbies are reading technical magazines, solving puzzles, singing etc.
Initiative to develop a country
As an software programmer and application developer I can only say that we can automate most of the government works in such a way that there should be no scope for curruption. If corruption get reduced it automatically increase white money in India and indirectly helps india to become developed country by utilising white money for its growth and development.For example Now a days in Maharshtra RTO department, driving license issuing process is automated with the help of software. Due to this person wants license has to go there at RTO office for digital signature and photo capturing process by software. So people now used to avoid contacting agents and do the process by their selves.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
First of all be a good listner. Always listen to your team mates, let them explain the situation and their problems. Person should know how to get work done by his team mates. There should be balance when you interact with your team mates. I mean appreciate the good work done by teammates, encourage them, accept their faults and tell them how to overcome the mistakes and sometimes you need to be hard with people to get things done by them. Admit your mistakes and always ask for suggestions from people for second opinion.
My family background
I belong to middle class family. My family includes 6 people. My mother, elder brother, his wife and his two childs (and offcourse me
:-)). My elder brother is working in MSRTC department of Maharashtra govt.
Important lesson learned
Will say only identify the work environment of your company and work accordingly if you can digest. Keep in mind that getting father and manager is not in our hand. :-)
Couple of years from now
In IT field, people says project manager do not know much about technical things like programming. So in a couple of years from now I would like to become a project manager who should be known for his managerial as well as technical skill.
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