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Advice Request
Rishi Kumar Panday
Rishi Kumar Panday

Rishi Kumar Panday

System admin


Thoughts on Education system of our country
As per my observation,India needs a strong skilled team of teachers who can make the new comers a lesson that basic concept and understanding the technology is the core part of any successful roles.I just crossed so amny newcomers who do not have concept on CMM baisc and they are developing algorithm,so the technology which we provide to the students should be very clear cut without any illogical events.
Important decision
I have crossed so many milestones in my life but in all the condition I always listen to my mind when it comes of decision.As you all might have well known about the CPU as the brain of the computer system but it takes the help of all other components with using it's brain when comes of decosion,without components and various microcode chips brain is useless.So,you can say brain is essential part when comes of decision to which task to asign to which component here brain has the ability to take decision.
Couple of years from now
Only God knows...because time is tangible,nobody suspect that the economy of US like country will go such down.But always hope for best,so our duty is to work on continuously on what the project you get honestly.
My family background
My family constitutes of my mother,brother,sister and wife Priyanka,I never miss her name from my any story because she is the revolution of my life,and when I get any such opprtunity,definitely I will put light on that.
Brief description about me
Myself Rishi Kumar Pandey,I am working with IT department and looking about all the aspects of IT related to hardware,software and Networking part.I am innovative and helpful in trying to grow the person who wants my help in technology without any fee costing,I think I helped so many IITians who work on chip level in getting them their basic ideas.
My role model
My Role Model is my wife,who alert me with the time I am going and spenting my time on right track.
Ensuring success
I am basically have mastery in chip level programming but that is my hobby and don't want to bring in limelight.I ahve so many ideas and thoughts which I want to prove.Just waiting the right time to come,and my keen interest in helping those new comers in getting into right track.
Influenced by
My dearest father who always told me to choose the right path to select,it might be so difficult but success is sure.
My achievements
I worked so many good companies and enjoyed working with them,like HCL,Air Deccan,3I-Infotech,and IISservsz.IISservz gave me the opportunity to improve my ideas in IT skills,CMM programming.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Leader should listen and speak less,Only decision he can take what the job of CPU in the computer.
My strongest skill
I have strong in skills in chip level programming like microcode programming and other IT aspects.
Degree that I recommend
Yes definitely I want to do mastery which I am trying to do in microchip.It's in process.
Important lesson learned
Leave your egoes behind they are the most blockers of your success.Keep cool and take right decision in your life.There are variuos ways of earning but if a person is cool and take decision with cool mind he will get the success more easily.
Initiative to develop a country
I thinks,basically all IITians has to make a group where they can use their energy in growing the skills of learners but without pay,a little time which help I ndia to grow technically.
More about myself
Just onething I want to share please coopperate most of the people whether it be India or any country,life is a gift share your ideas love and passion.
Thank you so much..
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